Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why Does Meth Make You Ugly

Teaching reading to children playing on TWITTER Videotutorial

Reading is an excellent resource for learning, hence instilling interest in reading in children from a young age is a great way to contribute to its growth.

instill an interest in reading in children from the earliest years of life is very important. They can promote an interest that will endure for a lifetime.
Reading is a window to new worlds, new perspectives, therefore, to an intellectual maturity.
acontinuaciĆ³n they are ten suggestions on how to arouse interest in reading in young children:
  1. baby Begin to read aloud to very young , although he can not speak does not mean that she likes a good story. When the child learns to read he should continue to read stories, perhaps the books they can not read themselves.
  2. Make reading part of the family routine . Tales are essential before sleep, morning newspapers and visiting the library weekly.
  3. to show that reading is a very useful tool . A good practice of reading is to read the instructions on toys, recipes or shopping list. It's a shame that kids think that reading is a boring school activity that benefits them in the day to day.
  4. A reader is another reader . We must treat children as apprentices readers follow a teacher. When children see us read them follow us, we will be your models.
  5. Read for the pleasure of reading . Find a good book and forget the rest. If you're not having fun with the story, they probably will not. No deal in a serious moral stories (also neglecting phonics workbooks) and search for stories that tell stories of everyday life.
  6. Rationing television as junk food is rationed . The Cola, potatoes and sitcoms are great for a Friday, but why spoil your taste for really good things of life with a diet of empty calories and contained fools?
  7. Fill your home with books and magazines for the whole family . Make reading materials part of household furniture from the room to the bathroom.
  8. Talk, talk and talk . Talk about what you read and listen to what your kids will respond. The conversation develops vocabulary and communication skills while staying in touch with your child.
  9. Play words. Sing, rhyme and riddles with them. The words have to be taken seriously, are tools imagination.
  10. Explore the world together . Literacy is not just words and reading. Productive minds need to be exposed to nature (and music, theater and films). Broadening the experiences of children will increase their curiosity and tolerance for new ideas and changes.
I hope these tips will serve as interesting and above all implement to get raise in your children the magical world of reading.


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