Monday, March 28, 2011

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Why teach robotics in schools?

Robotics is rapidly becoming an integral part of the curriculum, with its ability to integrate into a wide range of topics, especially the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Robotics encourages children to think creatively , analyze situations and apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to real world problems. Teamwork and cooperation are the stone angular any robotics project. Students learn that it's okay to make mistakes, especially if they lead to better solutions.
Robotics is a fun and engaging way to teach fundamental technology, math and science concepts. There are several key aspects of education promotes robotics :

Problem Analysis : Robotics encourages students to take a broad look at the situation and determine specificity, the problem needs to be resolved. Real world applications easily found, giving students context of your project. Before construction can begin, students must identify "what is needed to comply with this robot." With this in mind, how should the robot need to put at the service of these?

Design in the real world : With an application in mind, and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe application, students can now begin the design process. This stage offers great rewards for students and those that produce physical implementation of the conceptual ideas. There are plenty of opportunities for improvement and improvement as they discover errors in their plans and problems that never would have considered during the design stage. The prototypes were built and quickly discarded with lessons learned, this is a student progress toward an optimal solution. Resources must be managed and the commitment between form, function and cost.

Programming: A variety of programming languages \u200b\u200bavailable for robotics, since graphical development environments for textual languages. Programming skills teach students to think logically and to consider various situations, as they learn that a robot does exactly what it says, neither more nor less. Information about a variety of sensors must be processed and treated in a logical and as with the design phase, there is ample opportunity for trial and error, with this the students can refine their robots to make it work at its best time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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concentration exercises to improve care

Concentration is essential to develop any work is work, study or social task. It is therefore necessary to have some concentration exercises, which allow you to achieve a higher degree of attention to what you took.

for concentration exercises are vital to keep the focus on a task and for this, you have to take into account:
  • Being wide awake. If you're tired you better not do that task, because you do not fit. Take a good rest for better concentration.
  • Keep external stimuli that may distract you away For example, radios, televisions, street noise, etc.
  • You must be mentally free of thinking that distort your homework . If you have too many thoughts that bother you about despejarte better before doing homework.
  • Try to vary your methods of work or study to do monotonous tasks , thus achieving to be more attentive and not distracted.
  • Exercise your memory and your concentration through specific exercises to keep trained in these aspects and make your tasks with better efficiency.
concentration techniques to better study

Concentration is essential to have the best care possible in intellectual tasks as the study. This achieves a learning experience more effective and profitable.

To get a better learning experience in your studies I recommend you take the following into account:
  • Find a place to study without disturbing noise.
  • Condition the area to be comfortable.
  • Organizes material studies before starting to study.
  • Plan a strategy to address in several steps or phases.
  • not study for too many hours .
  • studied at intervals of 40 minutes and make cuts 15 minutes, then resume the study.
  • Lee in different ways such as, quietly, loudly, emphasizing the important ideas, with summaries and outlines.
  • studies with colleagues and do exercises and answers questions.
  • Sal for a walk outdoors , after some hours study.
  • Record and listen to tracks, you can hear it also when you go to sleep.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Motivating a child to study

The study is not always the most valuable activity for children and therefore parents have to resort to strategies of motivation to study without the imposition authoritarian. In this article, see how to motivate kids to study.

Learn how to motivate kids to study is important to have more tools in communicating with your child and that their education is the most appropriate way possible.
It is therefore necessary to have a few tips you'll see in this article:
  • your child's motivation for the study can be done in several ways, for example, awarding prizes or rewards for results. This may be a good way to motivate your child to study, ie, rewarding the effort with a gift or something that your child is wanting. Here the logic would be that the more effort and better results you will give better rewards.
  • is important that the study is not an excuse for rebellion your child's response to family conflict. In this case, it is best to appeal to the communication and resolution of problems.
  • would have to be trying not to get the penalty or the forced imposition of study tasks. Ie, having a lot of resistance to study must be tried first communication and different alternatives for the child or adolescent is motivated to study.
  • is good that your child has examples where the reflected and which to see the positive study. This is important to see the intellectual activities in the family, friends, etc.
  • recommended also respect the time to establish the child or young person to study and alternate with other activities necessary for their development and growth of the sport, playing and socializing.
  • Before force your child to study have to talk to him and if you see that has a lot of resistance to the study have to seek help from a specialist to see if there are some difficulties in their learning.
  • is very important for your children to consider talking to them when opportunities to do so on the theme of the importance of studying. You can address this issue from an approach for which your child can become aware of the importance of the study for their future and the development of their intelligence but without pressing too hard or being bossy.
  • Something very important is that you have friends or peers who study as a mirror is very important to them and an extra boost. If you have friends who do not study, will make things more complicated.
  • Another important point for your child to be motivated to consider is that you can understand that consumption is not everything. That life is not just about eating and money and you're not worth what he has but for what it is. What one is determined not only material things but basically what you know, what one thinks, etc.
  • addition
    is important to recognize that to do what he likes will go through stages in the study may not like much, but they are necessary. The reward will be to get to study what you like, have a great satisfaction.
By: Sebastian Mendez Errico

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Teaching reading to children playing on TWITTER Videotutorial

Reading is an excellent resource for learning, hence instilling interest in reading in children from a young age is a great way to contribute to its growth.

instill an interest in reading in children from the earliest years of life is very important. They can promote an interest that will endure for a lifetime.
Reading is a window to new worlds, new perspectives, therefore, to an intellectual maturity.
acontinuaciĆ³n they are ten suggestions on how to arouse interest in reading in young children:
  1. baby Begin to read aloud to very young , although he can not speak does not mean that she likes a good story. When the child learns to read he should continue to read stories, perhaps the books they can not read themselves.
  2. Make reading part of the family routine . Tales are essential before sleep, morning newspapers and visiting the library weekly.
  3. to show that reading is a very useful tool . A good practice of reading is to read the instructions on toys, recipes or shopping list. It's a shame that kids think that reading is a boring school activity that benefits them in the day to day.
  4. A reader is another reader . We must treat children as apprentices readers follow a teacher. When children see us read them follow us, we will be your models.
  5. Read for the pleasure of reading . Find a good book and forget the rest. If you're not having fun with the story, they probably will not. No deal in a serious moral stories (also neglecting phonics workbooks) and search for stories that tell stories of everyday life.
  6. Rationing television as junk food is rationed . The Cola, potatoes and sitcoms are great for a Friday, but why spoil your taste for really good things of life with a diet of empty calories and contained fools?
  7. Fill your home with books and magazines for the whole family . Make reading materials part of household furniture from the room to the bathroom.
  8. Talk, talk and talk . Talk about what you read and listen to what your kids will respond. The conversation develops vocabulary and communication skills while staying in touch with your child.
  9. Play words. Sing, rhyme and riddles with them. The words have to be taken seriously, are tools imagination.
  10. Explore the world together . Literacy is not just words and reading. Productive minds need to be exposed to nature (and music, theater and films). Broadening the experiences of children will increase their curiosity and tolerance for new ideas and changes.
I hope these tips will serve as interesting and above all implement to get raise in your children the magical world of reading.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Educators must constantly test different tools that we use in our classroom.

For example, Twitter is one of them, one of the most used worldwide by people of different ages. Among the many video tutorials that exist on the network, Marco Amaro this seemed particularly interesting for its emphasis on the use of hashtag or keywords. Twitter is a microblogging web service which allow you to send short messages, which fans can view ourselves. We will publish the educational uses of this important service.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Learn Spanish in Internet history

digital resources and materials available on the Internet facilitate the learning of this matter

technologies introduced in the new forms of classroom learning can supplement traditional teaching materials and digital resources and interactive. In the matter of history, the student's role was rather passive so far, but these resources provide the teacher a wide range of opportunities to show the historical content in a more participatory learning environment, engaging and visual.

Learn about some issues such as dates of the major peace treaties or the complete genealogy of the Habsburg dynasty can be a daunting task. Moreover, if the material available is a document or textbook. Until recent years, along with some illustrative images, these were the only resources available to teachers to teach History matter.

But today the situation has changed. The technologies have contributed to teachers new tools that allow awaken and maintain the interest of their students by the events of history. Presentations, interactive graphics and computer graphics, documentary and online games are some of the resources available on the Internet for free use by teachers and students.

History with ICT

To begin to get an overview of the historical material available on the Web, it is helpful to review some of the sites that compile in an organized and structured materials that can address the most important facts of history-oriented teaching.

Stories twentieth century is one of the most comprehensive websites in the field of education on Contemporary History on the Web The website is developed by Juan Carlos OcaƱa, PhD in Modern and Contemporary History and Professor of secondary, which has created a channel with a clear teaching monograph, aimed at teachers and high school students and courses. Its contents include relevant historical texts, questionnaires and exercises for review, an interesting section with materials for bilingual teaching of this subject and a collection of links to other web pages of History.

Educahistoria , is another option, run by a group of high school teachers and directed by JosƩ Luis de la Torre. With a focused teaching approach to teaching the subject in secondary and high schools, the site contains a large collection of multimedia materials (presentations, graphics, audiovisual), many self-produced, and tools to facilitate learning of the course of history the classroom or at home. Among its sections highlights the blogosphere history, which is known at a glance what is spoken in the most relevant historical posts, and top history, a list voted by users with online resources most valuable matter.

History Hall is another project developed by teachers, which combines the teaching of history with new technologies. Among its resources include free access documentaries on different historical and interactive graphics and animations that make teaching more attractive.

Material audiovisual
cinema, documentaries and other audiovisual materials have played an important role in helping to spread the story of a large group of people. His playful and entertaining facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and makes them more attractive to learners. On the Web can find different websites that collect these resources.

History Channel: Thematic Web TV Channel "History" provides an interesting collection of audiovisual material for lovers of this discipline. Under its "a la carte allows viewing of the content that was broadcast on the most important historical events and their protagonists. It also meets several online games for Internet entertain and test their knowledge.

video History : a blog with more than 150 videos of History collected from various web portals. You can consult labels characters, events or contexts.

Docuhistoria : interesting collection of historical documentaries from various sources. They are organized in stages, as Ancient Egypt, Medieval and Modern Times.

Monday, March 21, 2011

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cooperation of children in household tasks

Parents can initiate or enhance the cooperation of children in household tasks at any time of year

children as soon as possible aware that they must work at home, rather assume their responsibilities and be more autonomous.

addition, this step is essential to educate the living and the value of teamwork. Taking responsibility to cooperate in household chores is a way of encouraging common organization and behavior of everyday respect between adults and children.

The tasks should be carried out according to age and may be raised in an attractive manner. The child feels special to a little responsibility. What to us is a routine event for him is something new and typical of "old." A good approach is to offer challenges and prevent orders. For example, say: "Would you be able to prepare your breakfast? "And always celebrate their achievements.

can start by simple things like pick up and tidy the room, take the laundry to wash or to help set and clear the table. Over time, the bed can be made or put his clothes for the next day. In this way they learn to maintain order and cleanliness. also appreciate the effort required chores.

their children have a good time is cooking. They can help prepare meals or prepare simple recipes.'s also fun to shop with dad or mom. Carry cart, greens and even beating the price tag or choose a whim.

Involve the child in the housework, also offers the opportunity to provide healthy and ecological behaviors about food, cooking and shopping, with water consumption, the use of detergents, and recycling.

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without fear, ManƩ Castro Videla

I left the titles and labels for many years back was my own decision I understand that pigeonhole me and also limits my freedom
------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
Living without them is quite a cumbersome and quaint learning moments that led me without noticing I re-create in new ways unthinkable is always walking around barefoot always where one always assumes the absolute sweet responsibility and freedom to another is to be yourself but look .... is to show and display all that one is .... no turns! Without being subject to the approval of the other or the man who will say .... Without the fears fringe hanging from my eyelashes Not afraid to say I love you, miss you, I need .... Not afraid to say help me I do not know .... sorry .... Without fear of nonsense word Fearless Fearless Fearless fear I found I could fly .... without looking or saying the other
Only then I learned that my word good without the other ... even radically different we can still understand and accept, without limiting ourselves to a box and label, a sign of a saying of one or many imposed or not, but now assume a new dialogue of two, new, unique, is just between the two because both the one and one are the creators feel Ohhhh I found out my own wings!
is learning that it takes more to try, is to learn to understand that you need And in that sincere desire to learn as well, one begins to understand that sometimes you need help and you have to go for it .... One always learns and never stop learning You agree that you are an eternal learner will then deliver the securities yellow frame on the wall puts his last shot and says: now this I see the title and a world of memories take hold of one .... of mind ....
Ohhh many dreams, laughter, tears, joys, hopes, dreams, fights, anger, forgetfulness, expectations, agreements, pain, taste, odor ....
One is that I am now also more is putting the word, which tells you and tells you and am seeking the same relief and its load is lighter in this life since I took to put word responsibility to this whole feeling that I live .... . which you lives .... which we live.
ManƩ Castro Videla

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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teach nutrition to children

A trip to the grocery store is a good way to teach your children the importance of nutrition

there anything that might you have not noticed your supermarket you usually: These super markets are places to teach your children about good nutrition. "It's a learning laboratory if a parent wishes to take, and involve the child in the purchase," says Barbara Mayfield, a dietitian who specializes in nutrition during early childhood. Lessons on how to buy is one of the most important things you can transmit to your children, especially with childhood obesity and health problems associated with it in the rapid growth. These activities in the supermarket can help establish healthy habits regarding food.

Involve children in shopping

Children learn best when they are part of the process and can make decisions for themselves. When the child helps parents who have a vested interest when the food reaches the table, so you'll actually eat what you put before them. One idea: let them buy the necessary vegetables for lunch tomorrow.

Carry a list and stick to it

children are taught the importance of planning, not impulse buying. It also gives parents a way to hand when the kids are clamoring for chocolate bars in the ranks of payment in supermarkets. "Sorry, we can say. "We have to stick to the list."

Compare Ingredients

older children to find bars or breakfast cereals with less sugar . "Challenge your child to find out what the real juice to 100 percent, and who is fake," says Connie Evers, a registered dietitian and author of How to teach children about nutrition. "It's great with children because they are very curious. "Or do you compare the fat content of cookies with salt or fiber from whole grains compared to white bread rolls. Reading labels is enlightening, and many children do not adulthood. By then, the food-buying patterns have largely been formed.

Try something new

Yes, this is an exception to the rule to keep a list, but it's worth. Each trip, ask your child to choose a new food that has not eaten before. The children are so picky when it comes to food, this will make them diversify and open your taste buds with something new.

Be positive

to not label nutritionally weak as "bad." Negative labels created a mystique around things unjustified, even going so far as to make the kids want the treats are out of bounds. Instead of saying, "You can not buy this or can not have So, asks: "How can we include more fruits in the diet?" Then ask for his help in integrating with creative ways to get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in their diets daily.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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The importance of emotional education in family science

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a fantastic way with other mothers and fathers. We talked about our emotions, the emotions of our children and education, in this regard can be done from home. This is a topic that interests me tremendously and that over the past years I have spent hours reading, I have very clear that it is fundamental recognize our emotions at different times, and also accept the emotions of our children. But spend a few hours to a training in this area gave me a more comprehensive and elaborate on the importance of emotions in the family.

We may have heard positive or negative emotions, but in reality the so-called basic emotions are not in themselves good or bad. Are not because they fear is a survival mechanism, as it is "disgusting" and therefore have little purpose. What is certain is that some of the feelings aroused by those emotions that nest inside each of us, we can cause a rejection. It is common for mothers and fathers have to be satisfied with the happiness of their children and, instead, become nervous when the same child shows anger, sadness or fear.

of emotions in this confluence of three components: feeling, thinking and acting, so the task of parents should begin with the recognition of emotions. Difficult mission right?, Difficult and necessary at a time to understand our children. Understand the most important thing is to live and express emotions in an appropriate manner. What is right?, because from my point of view this is a behavior we do not hurt us or others. A classic example is that of an angry child who is allowed to say "I am very angry," he is allowed to run wildly and beat him to a pad, but which is not allowed to kick his younger brother.

There are different ways of experiencing and expressing emotions, so an ideal expression would be that conscious, outward, made and set (the fact that the causes). I do not think we should aspire to perfection but also think for ourselves and for our children on how to express our emotions. We all feel sad or afraid on occasion, adults as well (I certainly yes), why not make sense to "turn off" these same emotions when we observe in children. Emotional health is important and should find a proper balance between feeling and action.

When it comes to family education must understand that what our children need are parents aware of and committed to their growth and development. Parents who will guide them in the way of life. Parents will understand them and help them face their mistakes, and also let them express their emotions without complexes, albeit in a healthy way for everyone.

By: Macarena

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The cities of the world Internet and Children

Most times, when assessing the science in the world, what you do is look at the quantity and quality of research produced by scientists and research centers. Lutz Bornmann Researchers of the Max Planck Society of Munich and Loet Leydesdorff, University of Amsterdam established an alternative method for assessing the performance Scientific cities.

The approach is as follows: take the total number of papers (papers) made by researchers in a specific city, then consider how many of these appear in 10% of most cited papers. "For example, if located in a city authors have published 10,000 papers, one would expect that 1,000 of them for statistical reasons (ie, 10%) were in 10% of the most cited of the world", say the researchers.

After making this calculation, we compared the expected number of most cited papers in real numbers.

then display the results on a map, showing cities with more papers than expected in dark green, while those with less than expected are in red. The bigger the circle, the more papers are involved.

maps were made by measuring papers of physical, chemical and psychology which appeared in 2008 and who were given until February 2011.


In physics, which is the map that is above the best positioned are London, Paris, Karlsruhe, Munich, Pisa and Rome. Worst of all is Moscow, which appears in a giant red circle.

in Latin America do not walk very well, many countries do not even appear. Brazil, Argentina and Colombia seem to have pretty decent rates in physics, chemistry while he goes a little better in Chile. In psychology, however, there are many orange and red circles to our side, except in Mexico where they appear a pair of green spots.

The map has raised questions about how effective it is, however, it is useful to see a lot of information that one is not very clear. Anyway, it is clear that the sciences have much to do still on this side of the pond.

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Sailing with children over the Internet can be entertaining, enriching and fun, but every day observed that children are at risk on the Net The Internet is the refuge of many criminals, the Internet being a tool of work, study or play

The naivete of a child is total and his curiosity is insatiable . The only thing we have to keep in mind is the wisdom and education that their parents get to instill their own safety. Internet is not a toy. In the same way you would not only his young son in the bathtub, try to design the network as an activity to share with your child, not as a way to let your child be distracted only. It would be foolish not to realize that such children are risk. Indoctrinate your child about the need to know before the person on the other side of the keyboard and tell it not to give your address or phone to anyone other than complete confidence, since it can be a very adult interests other than their own. Make sure your child if you notice anything unusual in his behavior and has the freedom and confidence enough to tell you if something is happening, so that an adult can take action on the matter and see if the child has been frightened or without cause.

no reason to deprive their children of this means great, if taught to be cautious and wary of strangers who may offer candy on the street, for example.

Consider that the Internet is an interesting place for children. Interactive medium, offers much more than the passivity imposed upon them by television and, as a vehicle for human communication, teaches children to consider the computer as something that goes far beyond a simple machine to play.

The Internet arouses curiosity and allows learning to manage documentation, to investigate the search and participate in a complex international community. The best defense for children is that the attitude of their parents is of soft surveillance.

is not so much that they do not allow their children access the Internet alone, as they do not ignore their connections to the network. Help them find new sites that may be of interest. Join them in learning this new world that technology offers. Teach them to make rational use of the network so they can enjoy it without problems.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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What advice to give children about

Like to do three hours of television every day is not good for a child or an adult, p roasting all afternoon hooked to a network will "draw "While perhaps could used in studying, doing sports, playing with friends or neighbors, ie the broad spectrum of activities that, taken together, contribute to the development of the child or adolescent in its various facets.

Any activity can be harmful and social networks are no exception. It is important therefore to agree with our children on the number of hours they spend at the computer chatting or interacting in any way in social networking.

One of the most popular networks, Facebook has already exceeded 500 million users (if a country would be the third largest in the world) This gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe global magnitude of the phenomenon of "Social Network", with its advantages and disadvantages.

Social networks allow us to communicate with our friends at anytime and virtually anywhere, provided we have a computer with internet connection at our disposal.

Council for our children

In social networks should not do anything that would not do in real life. Or insult, or lie on the other, or cheat etc ... So important is know how to behave in real life as in life "virtual." It seems obvious, we would give our phone number and address to the first passing through the street, swearing we'd left and right?

But the network is a phenomenon that even exists in real life, the Internet is multiplied by a hundred or a thousand. The call of strangers who want to be friends of our children and ask them to accept them in their group. Over here you can sneak unwanted experiences and real risks. You must pay attention to things that may seem unusual. When I ask photographs, when asked to do something in front of the camera, when asked extensive personal data, all these cases must be covered with special attention and politely refuse must know if we're not sure they will use these new "friends" with these data and photographs.

not forget that social networks are a perfect way to create "false identities." The whole family should be aware of it.

Parents should see the phenomenon of the Internet as a tool that helps our children to study, play, interact with others. We should not convey the idea that the Internet is only one source of risk. But the fact is that there is and so therefore we must pass it to our children.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Social Networks Teach children to wash their hands

began the school year and should be prepared for not getting the flu because of the cold. We have many ways to do vaccinations, hygiene, healthy eating.

The Mexican Health Ministry promotes this video to prevent influenza, which remind one of the important methods of prevention: hand hygiene.

recommend watching the video with the smallest, is educational and fun, then highlight the fact that the saying: "Better safe than sorry"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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The best educational materials and resources

is becoming more extensive list of resources and educational materials available to users on the Web

Aware of the power of attraction of technology on young people, teachers and education centers have been launched into cyberspace to develop interactive multimedia educational proposals that provide an attractive and entertaining way to teach and promote new ways of learning .

Blogs, wikis, webquest ... language technology has been introduced in schools and intended to stay and expand in time. The comprehensive program of educational innovation, School 2.0, requires a transformation of the traditional classes in digital classrooms, and to achieve this, teachers need for innovative and involved in the generation of new forms of learning, supported by the use of information technology and communication (ICT).

This time, without detracting from other sites with such content, we offer the following links worth visiting:

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Skills and competencies of the XXI century for the new millennium learners

XXI century students have the opportunity to acquire new skills and technology skills through

Some call them digital natives. Others thumb generation. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has chosen to call them apprentices the new millennium. Are children and youth who have grown parallel to the important technological development of the last decade and today can benefit from new ways of learning and the opportunities offered by ICT in education.

skills and competencies for the future

were born from the eighties of last century and have grown up in a context in which digital technologies are part essential to their daily lives. Apprentices of the new millennium are the main focus of the research project of the same name that drives the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which studies the impact and implications of Information Technologies and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the cognitive development of these young people.

In its recent report 'skills and competencies of the XXI century for the New Millennium Learners' , project managers analyze and detail the new skills and competencies demanded by the labor market and society and that enable students to perform work effectively in the future. These cognitive skills are inseparable technologies. On the one hand, because technological development itself generates new ways of working and learning and, secondly, because the new digital tools are useful to develop these skills and competencies.

Information and communication

According to the report of the OECD project, key skills and competencies that learners must acquire the new millennium are related to new modes of information and digital communication. These are the highlights: First
  • excess material currently available information, the student should acquire skills to find, select, evaluate and organize information.
  • Once compiled and organized the information, the student must also learn to transform and develop their own interpretations. Thus, skills are fostered creativity, innovation, decision making and problem-solving.
  • ICT applications increase the potential for group communication, which requires coordination skills and teamwork.
  • To contact the new digital media, the student must work essential skills that make you convey your message effectively. To do this you need to develop analytical thinking and reflective.
  • A responsible use of ICT by student demands to recognize their potential risks and respect the social norms of behavior in the digital environment. This encourages critical thinking and decision making.
Technologies and Performance

Is there a link between the use and access to ICT and students' academic performance? The OECD has asked this question and to get the answer, has crossed data points obtained by students in PISA, with information gathered on various aspects related to the use of ICT by these students.

The result is reflected in the report "Are the New Millennium Learners achieving the required level? Use of educational technology and PISA results, "which takes as its framework the New Millennium Learners project. The study reinforces other research, as the main use of computers by students is more related to Internet access and entertainment to academics, or the use digital media in schools is essential to reduce the digital divide due to socioeconomic differences among students.

As to how that affects the use of ICT to the results, these are the main conclusions of the OECD:
  • Familiarity with ICT impact on performance : results of the students vary significantly depending on the time period during which they have used the computer. Between a student who has used less than one year and used it for five years, there are differences of up to 61 point lead for the final.
  • more impact at home: Most of the countries reviewed, the benefits of increased computer use tend to be better when used at home than at school.
  • use if, but rather : frequent computer use is not synonymous with good academic performance. Those who benefit from its use are students who can use it as a learning tool and use it to make school-related tasks.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Instilling the value of truth

It is better to tell the truth. This is a message that adults are constantly launched from small children. But there comes a time when they, as a day we did, they discover the lie.

When does this? Psychologist Martha Crosby, president of the Peruvian Institute of Health Psychology, remember to 5 years children literally do not lie because they do not distinguish fantasy from reality. In that beautiful stage, they invent stories that are the protagonists.

"But when we are better able to ration and can differentiate positive from negative children begin to lie. They realize that their parents do not know everything and can be fooled, "says the specialist.

So the child does not take this behavior as normal, values \u200b\u200band example of parents are key concerns clinical psychologist Carmen Solis. "If we know that the child is telling lies, it is advisable to inquire why they do it and explain the difference between truth and lies," he advises. But why a child looks for this resource? Martha Crosby referred to often do so as a way of marking its independence or rebellion against strict parents or exaggerated in their punishment, or when these affect their affection for getting good grades. Others do it for low self-esteem or because they feel devalued.

But so do by imitation. "Tell him I'm not" is just one example of the many ways that adults often lie, says Carmen Solis.

lies World

The problem becomes chronic when the child recognizes that lying has no adverse consequences and parents, away from attention, they become his accomplices. This happens, for example, when the son says he has a stomachache to avoid going to school and parents, aware of this, the teacher called to say his cocky skipping school.

To prevent the lies it is advisable to communicate properly and honestly with children.

Something else ...

be prudent. Teach children to distinguish between lies and prudence. The latter means finding a different way to interact and express something without hurting or harming another person.

unfulfilled commitments. Let your child know that breaking a promise is not the same as lying. If Dad promised buy a bike and it is not because he lost his job, Tell. You should know that sometimes there are obstacles that prevent a promise.

values \u200b\u200btruth. If your child discloses that he has lied about something, praise him, but let him see that his action will, however, consequences.

Cheerleader Noisemakers

Children Children and sex

Many older people do not know how to react when children ask us about sex, we simply must answer questions in a natural

worth mentioning that after five years begins formation and development, based primarily on its surroundings and associations made from of all the ideas that surround them. This stage is critical and it is time that parents should take to ensure, as far as possible, the better sex education at this time there are numerous sexual questions and doubts, are obviously at the top.

usually is the child who takes the initiative in their doubts. One of the first questions to ask is about their genitals, the differences between boys and girls. Begin to observe themselves, compared with their parents and unconsciously come to the conclusion that human beings are divided into two groups: male and female.

Parents should not be shocked at the first erotic manifestations experienced by children. Many studies have shown that during the bath begins to feel sensations satisfactory or can be caught touching their own bodies.

parents must not be surprised by these events, because among 3 and 6 years starting sexual curiosity. If censorship and punishment, generate feelings of rejection, guilt and fear of his personal life.

is very likely that the child has turned to boredom and complacency have nothing better to do. Never react negatively to these demonstrations, because many sexual repressions cause children in adolescence and adulthood suffering from neurosis and taboos. Not bad for a child to touch. Never scold, or base our education around "that say" other. Always think the best for our son. What we can do is encourage other activities, for distract their attention on other interests.

With regard to questions about children born of a sexual nature or other, parents should pay close attention. Never respond: "These things do not interest you" or "you're too young to know." Our responses must be clear and simple. For example, you could say, "Mom in your body has a special place called the uterus, where children are. Children are growing and feeding on the mother's interior through the umbilical cord. " When we talk about the genitals, you should always use the names, penis and vagina.

Sexuality should stop being a taboo subject, because it is part of life and harmony between couples. Introducing children to the natural mysteries of life, is a wonderful challenge. We should not deprive our children by clear and honest.

Carola Luque
Sexologist and consultant APROPO

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Does Implantation Look Like With Twins

The habit of reading is in the hands of parents

Today more than ever, reading runs the risk of seen by children as an imposition than parents teachers

The child may grow up without the habit of spending part of their time immersed in the letters. It is in the first decade of life when people can acquire this habit in those ten years have the opportunity to absorb forever the joy of reading as a necessity consensual and desired. Educators say that you learn to enjoy reading and, therefore, we must be aware that this is something you can teach. To this end, the basic family unit. Teaching reading is the subject that parents should convey to their children, while taking into account their character, motivation, desires and interests. Ultimately, the challenge is to stimulate interest in books.

What I can make my children read?
not force you to read. As an activity, reading requires perseverance to become a habit. Should never be forced to read, but you can (and should) become a daily occurrence. The key is to end as part of leisure, like watching television or playing. At very early ages are the father and mother who perform this function directly. Over time, the space devoted to reading will be expanded and will children themselves who decide how, when and where to read.
  • Accessibility books. Although it is not toys, books must be accessible, both our own and others'. It is necessary to remove the status of important object that only decorates bookstores. Moreover, to enhance their own libraries from birth, because a book, after being read, crosses the threshold of the purely material.
  • Visit bookstores. Fairs and exhibitions can become a hobby that brings literature to children. The idea of \u200b\u200bbeing surrounded by so many possibilities familiarizes the child with this type of trade and adds attractive. Furthermore, if given a sum of money in order to choose the title you like, begin to develop criteria for purchase and learn to distinguish what work is worth purchasing.
  • Custom daily. Read a story every night to become smaller over time in a daily reading habit.
  • Resolve doubts. Should be sought together in the dictionary terms that do not understand. This will instill good practice expand vocabulary.
  • not ban books. We must pay close attention to the critical age of adolescence, because large child readers are lost at that stage. In that sense, freedom of choice will be decisive. Titles should never be prohibited. Instead, it is important to explain why it was not going to understand what is read, and what is the reason for not worth wasting time. In this way, it helped him develop his critically.
  • Being a member of a library . An easy and affordable custom is to accompany very young children to libraries. This is to teach how to choose the titles, and introduce young readers to the value of responsibility, since it is they who must repay the amount borrowed.
  • suit the tastes . Everything can become the excuse to approach the reading: a current issue, events of people or events that may attract their attention or a movie they have excited are sometimes best to arouse the passion for books.
  • Share reading. As children grow, they can offer books they are reading parents. The reading will be an attractive topic of conversation between parents and children.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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"Jedi School" for children " that the Force be with you "

The project supports the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrating the taekwondo and yoga with meditation and do something more holistic and funny, looking for children between 6 and 12 years entertain and interpret characters from the Star Wars film saga ("The Wars") of those who are fans.

The school's ultimate symbol of light saber knight Jedi Luke Skywalker became famous in 1980 with his fight against Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. " For training, employing an exact replica of this sword, which even has the sounds and a light that lights up like in the movies.

"The project is positive when taking into account the goals that seeks to achieve through elements of fantasy and play." "With any strategy or methodology that is pointing to achieve comprehensive development of the subject, that would create a development in the affective, emotional, cognitive, empirical or moral I can be very much in agreement," said Mario Morales, PhD in educational psychology University of Santiago. But the expert said that "one of the indicators of a good school is that there is an excellent relationship with the environment, with others, live." "And that's where it is necessary to position the eye very well that there is something contrary."

This project is an initiative of William Barrueta, martial arts instructor in Santiago de Chile, here you can access your blog for details. Http://

Can You Attach To Blunt Wraps Together


The brilliant Sir George Bernard Shaw wrote this short sentence full of wisdom. Shaw is the only person to have won a Nobel Prize (Literature, 1925) and Oscar (in the category of Best Screenplay) for "My Fair Lady," based on his work Pygmalion.

"Politicians and diapers must be changed often ...
and for the same reasons. "

That capacity synthesis!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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How to learn to study?

The lack of organization and concentration are some of the mistakes that hinder learning

"It's very smart, but does not approve," "study hard, but then stopped." Statements like these are heard parents whose school-age children do not get the desired academic results. The causes of this poor performance should not always look for the ability or the intelligence of students. Often the source of the problem is different: they know study.

In his book "Learning to study is not impossible," Professor Joachim Almela defines the term "study" as a situation in which the student must "be placed appropriately to some content, interpret, assimilate and retain and then can express them in an exam situation or in practical life. "The problem arises when the student has difficulty carrying out one or more parts of this process effectively.

These difficulties may lie in characteristics student's personal, such as lack of attention or poor memory, attitudes toward the study, as lack of interest or motivation, organizational issues, such as lack of method, techniques and learning strategies, or environmental aspects, such as lack of a suitable place to study or abundance of distractions in the environment. All these difficulties can be corrected easily, the important thing is it not time to become a habit to check the student's academic record during their school life.

analyze the situation

The first step for parents, along with the students, is a careful analysis of the different problems identified by the student the study. The school gets low marks is not the only one having difficulties, you can also have them who, despite getting good results, has had to work harder to achieve.

In this analysis process should involve teachers or tutors. Difficulties may arise when addressing the study at home, but can also have basic wrong attitude in class. These professionals are an essential support for recommendations on strategies, techniques and resources appropriate to study effectively.

Common Errors

Each student is unique, but in terms of their learning difficulties can define several profiles: who studies hard and does not endorse, who studies well but fails in the exams, who do not want to study ... According to these typologies, difficulties or errors can reside on one or other aspects:
  • Study method: as Ramon Gonzalez Cavanach says in his book 'strategies and study skills', one of the reasons why a student is not a good student can be "abusing simple techniques and strategies focused on repetition and review, to the detriment of other more complex schemes such as the development or construction of assumptions." Experts recommend reviewing this methodological issue, especially in cases of students whose performance the study is not reflected in the results. Appropriate use of Learning the main techniques can diminish the time of study and increase the ability to understand information.
  • Concentration: Sometimes, the student is willing to study but can not concentrate on their jobs. In these cases, to review and eliminate distractions that can cause this lack of concentration and provide a suitable place to study away from disruptions.
  • Planning: the busy schedule of extracurricular activities that serve every day prevents many students have the enough time to organize their study. A student accused of being lazy, sometimes a student is just tired, not wanting to look after a tiring day. It is necessary that parents and students plan a realistic schedule, tailored to the child's age and profile, enabling it to adopt an effective study routine.
  • Understanding: some students are unable to study efficiently because they lack the necessary foundation for understanding issues. These cases are more frequent in students who change their level or center, they need a tutor or teacher intervention, to guide parents and students on the contents to be strengthened to catch up on the subject.
  • Grounds: lack of interest and a negative attitude toward education is one of the leading causes of school failure. Since the family environment, parents can encourage their children if they show interest in their work, participate in them and express satisfaction with their achievements. On the other hand, teachers in the academic may use different motivational strategies to help raise students' interest for the materials and promote a sense of competition.
  • Anxiety: different attitudes mental and insecurity, nervousness and anxiety can cause a good student is unable to demonstrate their knowledge when faced with an exam. Should be taught these students to prepare the mind for the test, build confidence and self-confidence and avoid common mistakes, such as studying in an excessive manner the day before, sleep, or eat poorly.
Marta Vasquez Reina