Monday, April 6, 2009

Sims 2 Mac No Cd Patch


Hi today I want to comment on the blog the development of the School No. 10.
This was created by Master Teacher Claudia Zamora computer.
. The blog is new recently was introduced to the body school teachers, leaving everyone satisfied and engaged with the proposal to raise their work to the Internet.
With Claudia worked in a coordinated manner, for example, the issue we have with different groups in physical education class she goes from the computer room. Already
my congratulations and hope that the blog they like the kids as much as teachers.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do Celebs Wax Their Sideburns


Rainy days at school 10 we have the difficulty that there is a multipurpose room, and rooms are small, as to raise the banks and make them active in .
But it is a good opportunity to work in the classroom with the XO with the kids.
We connect to the internet and went to my blog in which we choose a topic to read and comment.
They have many questions about the various issues that the there but together we are finding answers.
I've made a selection of some of the words they heard me say in class and may not be very familiar with the order would understand.

Helpful Definitions
Aerobic: That requires the presence of oxygen
Agility: Ability to change direction quickly and effectively executed a movement speed. Anaerobic
: happens in the absence of oxygen
Apnea: Suspension or cessation of breathing
muscular atrophy: Wear tissues caused by disuse. Cramp
: involuntary muscle contraction often caused by lack of sufficient oxygen in the blood due to decreased sales in the muscle, or by the accumulation of waste products.
Cyanosis Bluish skin caused by poor blood oxygenation.
muscle contraction: Action increase muscle tension.
Muscle contraction: is a sustained, involuntary contraction of certain muscles. Not an injury. The most common cause of muscle contraction is the overuse of a particular muscle in the absence of the necessary recovery. Occur spontaneously and unconsciously.
Dyspnea: Decreased breathing, associated with shortness of breath.
Sport: physical activity is all a matter of play, which takes the form of struggle with himself or with others or constitutes
confrontation with natural elements. Tear
: muscle rupture. Its severity is directly related to the size of the tear and the muscle
in which it occurred.
Doping: is the administration or use by an athlete of any foreign substance
body or any physiological substance taken in abnormal quantity or by an abnormal pathway, with the sole intention of
artificially increase their performance and dishonest in a competition.
Physical Education: Science educational process which seeks the harmonious and integral formation of man through human movement
not formalized in techniques and tactics, be biopsychosocial .
Stretching is the ability of a muscle to stretch and return to normal.

Wide Shoes Step Aerobics

a big THANK

I want to thank everyone and say that I am very flattered by the visits that have this humble blog since Saturday 24 May 2008 we started this adventure over 60o0 visits we made just under a year.
This gives strength to continue and enhance the interest of trying to find my students and friends have already said, but once more THANK YOU ...
I leave the image of my counter where I get a percentage of visits to the blog countries.
Click on the picture to enlarge