Today more than ever, reading runs the risk of seen by children as an imposition than parents teachers
The child may grow up without the habit of spending part of their time immersed in the letters. It is in the first decade of life when people can acquire this habit in those ten years have the opportunity to absorb forever the joy of reading as a necessity consensual and desired. Educators say that you learn to enjoy reading and, therefore, we must be aware that this is something you can teach. To this end, the basic family unit. Teaching reading is the subject that parents should convey to their children, while taking into account their character, motivation, desires and interests. Ultimately, the challenge is to stimulate interest in books.
What I can make my children read?
not force you to read. As an activity, reading requires perseverance to become a habit. Should never be forced to read, but you can (and should) become a daily occurrence. The key is to end as part of leisure, like watching television or playing. At very early ages are the father and mother who perform this function directly. Over time, the space devoted to reading will be expanded and will children themselves who decide how, when and where to read.
- Accessibility books. Although it is not toys, books must be accessible, both our own and others'. It is necessary to remove the status of important object that only decorates bookstores. Moreover, to enhance their own libraries from birth, because a book, after being read, crosses the threshold of the purely material.
- Visit bookstores. Fairs and exhibitions can become a hobby that brings literature to children. The idea of \u200b\u200bbeing surrounded by so many possibilities familiarizes the child with this type of trade and adds attractive. Furthermore, if given a sum of money in order to choose the title you like, begin to develop criteria for purchase and learn to distinguish what work is worth purchasing.
- Custom daily. Read a story every night to become smaller over time in a daily reading habit.
- Resolve doubts. Should be sought together in the dictionary terms that do not understand. This will instill good practice expand vocabulary.
- not ban books. We must pay close attention to the critical age of adolescence, because large child readers are lost at that stage. In that sense, freedom of choice will be decisive. Titles should never be prohibited. Instead, it is important to explain why it was not going to understand what is read, and what is the reason for not worth wasting time. In this way, it helped him develop his critically.
- Being a member of a library . An easy and affordable custom is to accompany very young children to libraries. This is to teach how to choose the titles, and introduce young readers to the value of responsibility, since it is they who must repay the amount borrowed.
- suit the tastes . Everything can become the excuse to approach the reading: a current issue, events of people or events that may attract their attention or a movie they have excited are sometimes best to arouse the passion for books.
- Share reading. As children grow, they can offer books they are reading parents. The reading will be an attractive topic of conversation between parents and children.
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