Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Caesarean Wound Dressing

Everloop children, social network created especially for children

The new network called Everloop.com is aimed for children between 8 and 13 years can safely away from the harassment and under the control of parents or teachers.

In this aspect, the network would allow children to interact with their peers under the direct supervision of their parents. The site was tested for small to exercise their right to be found under the heading "Inside the Loop", which means that infants may do so within the territory created for them.

"The problem is that most social networking platforms and utilities are not designed to accommodate younger users," says Tim Donovan (CSO, Chief Strategy Officer) Everloop.com site.

In the "Facebook alternative and appropriate", as the site The Colombiano.com , children can make a custom profile avatar, have your own account to upload photos, publish news on your wall and even communicate with their friends via chat.

The network is described as a controlled space because it has a control panel to which parents and teachers have access to certain functions to enable and disable others. So when little gets some update or invitation, you can monitor the contents to see whether it is appropriate or not.
In fact, advances the management, within ten days to launch a tool that allows teachers to enter and create a group, personal space, which can upload their own content, and can do in any language even in English.

This will be the first language to take the platform that because Hispanics are one of the largest audiences in the U.S. Thus, expected release in its entirety in English at the end of August.

This way kids can explore the confines of the online world, without being exposed to unnecessary risks.


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