When does this? Psychologist Martha Crosby, president of the Peruvian Institute of Health Psychology, remember to 5 years children literally do not lie because they do not distinguish fantasy from reality. In that beautiful stage, they invent stories that are the protagonists.
"But when we are better able to ration and can differentiate positive from negative children begin to lie. They realize that their parents do not know everything and can be fooled, "says the specialist.
So the child does not take this behavior as normal, values \u200b\u200band example of parents are key concerns clinical psychologist Carmen Solis. "If we know that the child is telling lies, it is advisable to inquire why they do it and explain the difference between truth and lies," he advises. But why a child looks for this resource? Martha Crosby referred to often do so as a way of marking its independence or rebellion against strict parents or exaggerated in their punishment, or when these affect their affection for getting good grades. Others do it for low self-esteem or because they feel devalued.
But so do by imitation. "Tell him I'm not" is just one example of the many ways that adults often lie, says Carmen Solis.
lies World
The problem becomes chronic when the child recognizes that lying has no adverse consequences and parents, away from attention, they become his accomplices. This happens, for example, when the son says he has a stomachache to avoid going to school and parents, aware of this, the teacher called to say his cocky skipping school.
To prevent the lies it is advisable to communicate properly and honestly with children.
Something else ...
be prudent. Teach children to distinguish between lies and prudence. The latter means finding a different way to interact and express something without hurting or harming another person.
unfulfilled commitments. Let your child know that breaking a promise is not the same as lying. If Dad promised buy a bike and it is not because he lost his job, Tell. You should know that sometimes there are obstacles that prevent a promise.
values \u200b\u200btruth. If your child discloses that he has lied about something, praise him, but let him see that his action will, however, consequences.
Via: http://elcomercio.pe
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