Hi everyone s.
As you know, our brains are programmed to secrete substances that make us feel good in response to certain stimuli, activities or thoughts, because those things we do that helps the brain (and after all to ourselves) to live better.
If after doing intense physical activity, we left the shower and we are as pleased with ourselves, happiness and well being that we invaded, is not a "feel" of pride no more. Physically (or rather, chemically) the brain dopamine reward us for doing an activity that he is a great time to get healthy. This is for an evolutionary reason. The monkey that was less physical memory more easily and it does not had access to the monkeys, because monkeys do not consented stronger. That's why our brains have evolved naturally to "reward" for exercise, because that leads us to have better quality of life and greater reproductive output.
Similarly, when we have the answer or solution to a problem for ourselves, we also have that feeling again of being the best and some cracks. It's not just a feeling. Once again our brain reward our curiosity and our desire to find answers. And this also is an evolutionary reason. The monkey to hear a little noise in the jungle not because he turned to look was supposed to be a breeze or something unimportant, just dying because a predator had with him. However, the curious, who sought to answer what was that little sound, survived. The brain reward curiosity and desire to get answers is an essential mechanism for life and survival.
I could go with a lot of things (sex, sleep, social status, power ,...) that to be essential and necessary in our lives, are rewarded for a good shot of substances such as dopamine secreted by the brain to indicate that we are on the right track.
But the curious thing is no issue here. The funny thing is that it has recently discovered that listening to music, brain release dopamine just as it is released to specific pleasures essential to our survival as we have already discussed. Using imaging devices a group of researchers measured dopamine brain activity and a lot of volunteers to listen to music. The scanner showed that participants' brains release dopamine in a region called the striatum when they hear their favorite songs, and also that this release was made at the climax of the song. The striatum is the same area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that stimulate drugs like cocaine to produce euphoria experienced by consumers. There is nothing ... Which brings
head to researchers is to find out why abstract stimuli such as music or other art are capable of producing pleasure, though not necessary for survival.
And I'm not a scientist, I'll give you a clue. MUSIC IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE!
Or you can live without music? Here it is a good "chute"
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