I'll tell you a story Father Ignatius ...
Ceci, has 2 sons, the eldest of 10 years and under 7.
The child began years ago with a neurological pathology I can not define, but which had frequent seizures.
I noticed that when I was attending Ceci, she never off his cell, he was always careful in case the school called the by some convulsion of the baby, why salia where you are running.
The neurologist told them what had his son, could only be operated in Canada , previous studies also in Canada. studies themselves were complicated because they were open-brain and depended on the results of the same if he could be operated or not ...
whole family traveled to Canada, were one month, it was all that was due and put the transaction date: September / October 2010. Operation Cost: U $ S 190,000.
Ceci someone told Father Ignacio de Rosario, and taken by the desperation (daily seizures closer together) and search for least some comfort, travels to Rosario.
's father told him to recount some of the life of the baby, how was the circumstances of his birth, life, etc.
Ceci starts saying that when she got pregnant, it was a joy really did not want to have that baby. But in the end decided continue the pregnancy. And now she adored him, that the best he did in his life was moving forward.
The father said that night, sleeping with your child and tell him all this he told him. She shocked says, "But Father! only 7 years!" and Father insisted: "CONTAL" And then I'll taking the medication.
did so, they lay down together and little by little Ceci was directing issue at that point.
began telling him since they met with her father, who loved much, who was born the first baby and everything was fecilidad but when she became pregnant by him, was not very happy because circumstances were different, she was very young and could not with 2 kids, etc, but was now very happy to have him and loved him more than anything in his life, he was very sorry to have had that feeling .
The little boy listened very attentively without saying a word, and when Ceci Temin said only: "Thanks Mom! I was born again!"
Facundo never had either a seizure. Not one.
were a previously scheduled visit to the neurologist, and only Facu said he had no seizures, as the doctor came out of his amazement, Ceci then confessed that he went to see Father Ignacio and yourself she had dared to get medication to half the dose.
As everything was hired in Canada, and even passages taken, the doctor said: "return tickets, these things happen."
I do not know what to say, beyond this wonderful miracle and timely this leads me to think of the diseases.
absolutely diseases of the soul, nothing else.
are physical symptoms, but the origin is spiritual.
Father Ignatius is not a miracle, no cure, only (and not recently) helped to view the source. It is a wonderful human being with a sensitivity and perception special.
also highlighted what he did Ceci is not easy to talk like a child.
I imagine, as I know, his voice shaky but sure it was good for Facu.
Could we stop the machine every day and be able to see us in to see what happens to us?
Could thus prevent disease?
Could pay more attention to our spiritual side is so or more important than physics?
Could we become aware of that?
are questions. Hopefully find the answers.
I wish you well.
Try not to break it, if they can not send, let me know ... Father Ignacio is the healer priest of Rosario, is excellent and really heals, has performed many miracles of healing ... Praying is good ... know I chose instead to my twelve people, hopefully we can get strength and divine light .. This is one ninth of Father Ignatius, who began 10 January 2005 and still has not broken .... when you receive it, pray the Hail Mary and have a special request ... see what happens to 4 days of receipt ... do not forget to work towards your dreams because well with you and with God, everything is done much faster ...
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God , pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen "(Here I wish to ask your )
Please do not break this ninth mandala 12 people that you think they deserve Justice, Health, Peace, Love and Truth, but not save it.
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