Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Use Immobilizer

Hi everyone s.
Today I want to reraise which has been without doubt the biggest success of the blog ... hehe. Out of curiosity, I looked at the statistics of the channel with the BertoBlog on Vimeo, and I was very pleasantly surprised a couple of things.
The first is that, in general, the number of copies of the videos I uploaded to this site is significantly higher than I thought (Looks like I'm doing important and all ...)
And the second is that, in particular, I bring the video again today, and has been reproduced in more than 550 occasions. So, to all those who do not have seen, do not miss the chance to hear some good tips that will help you to have a more optimistic vision of your day to day.

find more video information and a link to download it, if you visit the original entry posted on the blog. What you can do by clicking HERE .
And do not forget please share it! See if you get to play at least another 500 times!
Greetings to all.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Knit Pattern Jester Hat

birds of a feather flock together. Obsolescence

Hi everyone s.
sure more than once, while chatting with a friend, you question has been raised and how we met you and I? And is that the vast majority of the time if you start watching one by one, is that your social circle of people that touch you most is not what in theory should be. As normal (some think) is that we had more friendships with people you've grown in our town. The people I've grown in our schools primary and with whom we shared a lot of years as classmates, and those who have returned to match even in high school or college.
While there are always exceptions, do not think I'm wrong when I assert that most of you and just keeps in touch with those people from his past (and look at your facebook profile is not worth as friendship ...). Over time, we are setting our social web that mysteriously criteria are far from factors such as geographic proximity and age. And if not "choose" to our friends about this, why is that?
I just read a study that concludes that we tend to make friends with those individuals with shared genetic traits. Among other results, it was found that carriers of the DRD2 marker, a genetic marker linked to habits like smoking, drinking and other addictions, they tend to make friends with those individuals with the same genetic marker. While people without this marker has friendships with other people that share that trait. This has been done for several genetic variants associated with us prone to certain behaviors with the same result. At the end of the play seems that what the funny is coupled with the curious, the timid with the shy, which can not be trusted with which we can be trusted, due to issues at the genetic affinity. And it is strange that something that has been known throughout life as it demonstrates our popular proverbs (Birds of a feather flock together, Tell me your company and tell you who you are ...) has not been "rediscovered" until a couple of weeks.
If you think about it, you will see how those people with whom you have more treatment and friendship do not know from an early age. Arrived a day, which I do not remember very well, not really knowing what circumstances, stayed forever, nothing more.
Starting today, if you seek that link, that fact that I did know you and be friends, that common interest in the other's personality, You can blame your genes.

Greetings to all.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Christopher Walken Skittles Snl

Hi everyone s.
probably more than once you had the feeling that everything seems to be accelerating. The generation of our grandparents saw in their homes and their appliances came to be "part of the family." Refrigerators, those giant boxes which they called "TV" or the German dishwasher, entered our homes to stay there with us a bunch of years.
But now friends, the market economy that is based solely and exclusively on economic growth, we require consumers to spend and buy more products for factories have more to produce and so never stop the economic wheel.
What are some you surely have missed is this. Would you buy a TV / phone / computer / printer novel if ours, "whole life" to continue working properly? Probably not. To avoid this, manufacturers worldwide have decided to expiration date to each and every one of our things. Think as you did the first computer and as the penultimate. Lasted I think about that first phone that I fell to the floor day if and day out, and as I took the penultimate. Think of how many thousands of sheets you were able to get to that first dot matrix printer (which no longer can use because there are no supplies, not because it works ...) and in the last few MFP that scans, prints and color photocopy and it costs € 49.90 in Media Markt. Worst of all, make us believe that over buying the products of poor quality that we are lucky to last until the next Christmas "we are not fools."
All this and much more about the documentary that I leave here.

The moral of this is that we let her hands to her head and we feel cheated, but, as far as possible and little by little, we are able to become more responsible consumers.
We save ourselves frustrations by "craving" devices that do not need and never function as expected or as long as they should.
I would say, not long ago, the technology met the needs of people. Today's technology will create new needs. We want our car has ASR, EBD, ABS, ESP and the more markings that do not understand absolutely nothing better. We want our phone has 32GB, SD slot, 3G, HSDPA, GPS, VoIP and 8Mpx. Do not want a dual-core processor for our laptop, because there are quad-core with hyper-threading technology architecture and 45nm ... Y. .. You know the majority of users who are all these things and how to use them? ... NO!
As the great Carl Sagan: " live in a society deeply dependent on science and technology and in which nobody knows anything about these issues. This is a recipe for disaster ."

Greetings to all.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

French Phrases Encouragement

Hi everyone s.
As you know, our brains are programmed to secrete substances that make us feel good in response to certain stimuli, activities or thoughts, because those things we do that helps the brain (and after all to ourselves) to live better.
If after doing intense physical activity, we left the shower and we are as pleased with ourselves, happiness and well being that we invaded, is not a "feel" of pride no more. Physically (or rather, chemically) the brain dopamine reward us for doing an activity that he is a great time to get healthy. This is for an evolutionary reason. The monkey that was less physical memory more easily and it does not had access to the monkeys, because monkeys do not consented stronger. That's why our brains have evolved naturally to "reward" for exercise, because that leads us to have better quality of life and greater reproductive output.
Similarly, when we have the answer or solution to a problem for ourselves, we also have that feeling again of being the best and some cracks. It's not just a feeling. Once again our brain reward our curiosity and our desire to find answers. And this also is an evolutionary reason. The monkey to hear a little noise in the jungle not because he turned to look was supposed to be a breeze or something unimportant, just dying because a predator had with him. However, the curious, who sought to answer what was that little sound, survived. The brain reward curiosity and desire to get answers is an essential mechanism for life and survival.
I could go with a lot of things (sex, sleep, social status, power ,...) that to be essential and necessary in our lives, are rewarded for a good shot of substances such as dopamine secreted by the brain to indicate that we are on the right track.
But the curious thing is no issue here. The funny thing is that it has recently discovered that listening to music, brain release dopamine just as it is released to specific pleasures essential to our survival as we have already discussed. Using imaging devices a group of researchers measured dopamine brain activity and a lot of volunteers to listen to music. The scanner showed that participants' brains release dopamine in a region called the striatum when they hear their favorite songs, and also that this release was made at the climax of the song. The striatum is the same area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that stimulate drugs like cocaine to produce euphoria experienced by consumers. There is nothing ... Which brings
head to researchers is to find out why abstract stimuli such as music or other art are capable of producing pleasure, though not necessary for survival.

And I'm not a scientist, I'll give you a clue. MUSIC IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE!
Or you can live without music? Here it is a good "chute"

You can download the audio of this video in mp3 clicking HERE.

Greetings to all.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Desert Eagle Titanium Gold


I'll tell you a story Father Ignatius ...
Ceci, has 2 sons, the eldest of 10 years and under 7.
The child began years ago with a neurological pathology I can not define, but which had frequent seizures.
I noticed that when I was attending Ceci, she never off his cell, he was always careful in case the school called the by some convulsion of the baby, why salia where you are running.
The neurologist told them what had his son, could only be operated in Canada , previous studies also in Canada. studies themselves were complicated because they were open-brain and depended on the results of the same if he could be operated or not ...
whole family traveled to Canada, were one month, it was all that was due and put the transaction date: September / October 2010. Operation Cost: U $ S 190,000.
Ceci someone told Father Ignacio de Rosario, and taken by the desperation (daily seizures closer together) and search for least some comfort, travels to Rosario.
's father told him to recount some of the life of the baby, how was the circumstances of his birth, life, etc.
Ceci starts saying that when she got pregnant, it was a joy really did not want to have that baby. But in the end decided continue the pregnancy. And now she adored him, that the best he did in his life was moving forward.
The father said that night, sleeping with your child and tell him all this he told him. She shocked says, "But Father! only 7 years!" and Father insisted: "CONTAL" And then I'll taking the medication.
did so, they lay down together and little by little Ceci was directing issue at that point.
began telling him since they met with her father, who loved much, who was born the first baby and everything was fecilidad but when she became pregnant by him, was not very happy because circumstances were different, she was very young and could not with 2 kids, etc, but was now very happy to have him and loved him more than anything in his life, he was very sorry to have had that feeling .
The little boy listened very attentively without saying a word, and when Ceci Temin said only: "Thanks Mom! I was born again!"
Facundo never had either a seizure. Not one.
were a previously scheduled visit to the neurologist, and only Facu said he had no seizures, as the doctor came out of his amazement, Ceci then confessed that he went to see Father Ignacio and yourself she had dared to get medication to half the dose.
As everything was hired in Canada, and even passages taken, the doctor said: "return tickets, these things happen."
I do not know what to say, beyond this wonderful miracle and timely this leads me to think of the diseases.
absolutely diseases of the soul, nothing else.
are physical symptoms, but the origin is spiritual.
Father Ignatius is not a miracle, no cure, only (and not recently) helped to view the source. It is a wonderful human being with a sensitivity and perception special.
also highlighted what he did Ceci is not easy to talk like a child.
I imagine, as I know, his voice shaky but sure it was good for Facu.
Could we stop the machine every day and be able to see us in to see what happens to us?
Could thus prevent disease?
Could pay more attention to our spiritual side is so or more important than physics?
Could we become aware of that?
are questions. Hopefully find the answers.
I wish you well.
Try not to break it, if they can not send, let me know ... Father Ignacio is the healer priest of Rosario, is excellent and really heals, has performed many miracles of healing ... Praying is good ... know I chose instead to my twelve people, hopefully we can get strength and divine light .. This is one ninth of Father Ignatius, who began 10 January 2005 and still has not broken .... when you receive it, pray the Hail Mary and have a special request ... see what happens to 4 days of receipt ... do not forget to work towards your dreams because well with you and with God, everything is done much faster ...
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God , pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen "(Here I wish to ask your )
Please do not break this ninth mandala 12 people that you think they deserve Justice, Health, Peace, Love and Truth, but not save it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tips For Self Brazilian

Essential to life "Original or Copy? Deprecated Education News

Hi everyone s.
you not striking that, apparently, the creativity of people in crisis? A few centuries ago, we saw such composers as Mozart flourished painters like Velazquez, writers such as Shakespeare and Cervantes, and a long list of what we call it "genius." And there were one or two, but rather seems that he had enough, or at least significantly more than we have now. Why? Well simple. Schooling was not as universal as it is now, and besides, was not intended to create "robots." Since the industrial revolution, has become necessary to create "labor." The more the better. So at the time were developed education programs that currently are today. These programs put aside the artistic, creative, emotional and as many "unnecessary" to drive a crane, bridges or any activity for almost any job of that today are considered "good" and have higher wages. So much so, that if our son gets a 10 in math we look proud thinking "That's my boy!". However, if removed in plastic or in music, think "I will freak out?" Even the students themselves, they know (or rather believe) that there are subjects which they call "Mary" that "are not important." As a result
that our educational system has eradicated any hint of creativity in us, we are in the current situation of lack of "genius." A situation in which a washer and nut grabs a broom and make a "sculpture." A situation in which they are paid several thousand euros for a "box" with a few strokes of bad facts. A situation in which "players" most successful completely unaware that it is a clef, an eighth or a staff. A situation in which television programs have more audience are those people most villages are suffering some form of mental retardation is evident.
Nevertheless, we do have geniuses who have original ideas, but the attention that almost always, these specimens displayed genius is far removed from the classroom. Inventing Google, it was a class project! Inventing Facebook, it was a job to retrieve a subject! Einstein (there is nothing), did not write his theory of relativity as a doctoral thesis. Einstein, in school suspended him! And yet, all of them, managed to develop its groundbreaking and totally original ideas that have changed our world. They are our modern geniuses who have kept alive their creativity pudiéndola further enhance the classroom, and while they were still young and robot conversion was not yet in its final phase.
The others, who have our creativity and mortally wounded and are almost robots, we have no choice, very worthy and laudable. The Copy option. We are sad to see when a company launches a flagship product, the competitors start to take the same products. We are sad to see that when a new Web page is sitting, then there are other content and similar designs. We are sad to see when a TV show is hearing the other format strings out similar programs. And so a long list of etceteras. And that friends, not bad at all. We all do well to have our idols and our mirrors that look at us. To become like those people we admire today, copy. The kid who plays basketball comes great make every effort to try to "copy" to Michael Jordan. If you like physics, you should try to copy to Einstein. When you attempt to copy information like Bill Gates or someone else.
But, and here's the kit of the question. What if we get confused when choosing our "genius" to copy it? What if that company in crisis of creativity that hovers talked gruesome characters such as the participants of Big Brother, the Belen Esteban, Lola witch or people of that ilk? The answer is obvious. We will have a lot of people trying to "copy" people behind. And eye. Just as if you try to copy machacándote fitness champion in the gym to be like your idol, you become handles that you shit, if you imitate every day a retard, just delayed. That's right. And that's the reason that if you approach a group of kids and kids of today look like stickers repeated. They all talk alike. All dress alike. Come all the same series. Interact in the same network. They see the same videos on YouTube. They get all the same nerd, etc. etc. etc. All act as these cute little birds ...

And you who you are, "original or a copy?

Greetings to all.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sweet 16 Barbieinvitations

The bad habit, for Mané Castro Videla Catholic saints

we fill
all empty
everything that we do not say
of everything we do

we fill all empty now
then I swear I
it is too late. Mané

... ... ...

One day I took a trip to the Costa del Sol, and there I met a crazy Argentina, cheerful, talkative, sensitive, intelligent, intuitive, good person .... and now my friend. Sometimes in life, luck smiles.
you going to go on the 6th of January to your country (beautiful land). What a paradox! Magi rather than leave me a gift, take it from me. But I have hope to see you and give you one Albacete my kisses, and we can spend more time, because now we have met to say goodbye. I'll be waiting.

Have not you gone and I'm missing you.

Your friend,


Today is a cold, gray afternoon in Valencia ... when I hear the music from my computer ...
travel tickets ... presents ... mails ... blank cards no answer ... prepare the case back home ... And suddenly, you discover that things remain ...
things in the eyes ... in the hands ...
in the face
At this time ... It hurts me to leave the friends, the house, the smell of garlic bread with oil ...
hurts so much at this time that not a word out of me.
Tears in silence I travel
Crossed toy for my princes, my sons ... my friends ... soul mates and I hope friends here ... I've planted in three months.
The truth is, between here and there, I've been atrevasada in the overwhelming power of love, once again wet eyelashes are my soul!
.... ... ....
Walking thanking and hugging
to life bare feet!

Mané Castro Videla
Women's untimely staining fabrics and
tacking their colorful letters ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Period In Which The Hair Dies


January 2011 Saints
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