Since the school where I work does not have a multipurpose room or gym
rainy days were some of my challenges.
With the acquisition of the XO laptop in an activity thought to make
shared between computer and physical activity. Entering
my group blog can choose the type of activity performed.
Here are the steps to make teachers and students.
INTRODUCTION What do we do? It's raining and we can not leave, we can not take advantage of increased
feature of our area, which makes it different from the rest: that develops outside. Could we develop
EF sessions in the classroom without detracting from any of the
Character? Because the solution at hand is clearly in the gym, multi purpose room
... But the reality is that not all schools have such facilities.
will have to manage to carry out a session of PE in the classroom. And that will mean developing their own content
EF area to achieve the objectives proposed in
our programming, programming that reflect the alternative posed by these
sessions "inside" in case of rain, develop possible schedule for the units or Teaching
Interest centers are being developed at that time.
shown to us, therefore, exciting work of planning, research and implementation
towards the benefit of our students, and that must be reflected in our professional experience
(and why not, too personal).
Given the small size that has a classroom (as opposed to the playground or
a multipurpose room) we have to tailor the characteristics of our
same games, besides, we should not overlook one fact: it may bother the
other classrooms in class, and we must notify and seek the appropriate permission.
not at first seem difficult to develop a classroom session, the complicated
will probably establish the appropriate environment. A number of points that can serve:
2 - Open the windows and curtains run, listen to rain and air to enter.
- Running chairs banks to the walls (if they're not going to be lacking in the games).
- Remove all objects which are likely to trouble the movement of students.
- Make any changes in furniture producing the sensation of
elsewhere than the classroom (provoke changes in the perception that students have the usual place
of classes).
- Of course, having provided accommodations for students with Special Educational Needs
The question is, Finally, in choosing games that day.
responsible planning avoids improvisation and the possible failure of the session "inside."
To do this it is clear that we will focus on teaching units that are planned for winter dates
: we must check what times of the year are more likely to
rain and focus on those UD bet for classroom programming globalized, so we will be
more useful to look at the Centers of Interest to be taken into account
throughout the course, which will facilitate the planning work session "interiors." Our proposal
is based on games and worksheets. The choice of games
follows a series of parameters, slightly different from the "external"
also focus on the movement, interaction, meaningful learning and also an extra component
mental processes and characteristics physical space. This
way, some of the fun activities we propose are:
1. Animated games.
- "Poor Kitty": the students are in a circle. One that makes
kitten is about half and a partner to any meowing. This should tell
stroke and 3 times "poor kitty! "but seriously. If you do not hold your laughter becomes
cat, and if not laughing cat picks up another / a.
- "The witch eats colors": one of the students is the witch and placed in the center of
classroom. Then he says, "the witch eats the color ..." and all others try to touch an object
, clothes ... in that color. While others seek that color, the Witch tries to take
any, to change roles.
- "E" means all the students sit in a circle except one who makes
postman, standing up and in the center. It says "the postman brings a letter for which
have ..." and says something characteristic that can have multiple peers (color,
clothes ...). They have to move out of place, and the postman
try to use it to occupy one.
2. Games main part.
- "Balls out" are two teams, separated by a row of chairs or tables.
rag balls are distributed (acquired, processed) and the signal must be launched to
opposite field, under a table in the middle of the room while there
that take and return us to the signal launch end. You can not scream, because
- "Treasure resounding": each student covers his eyes with the bow. The
teacher places the "treasure" (a ringing phone, radio) in a classroom, and learners should find the sound
. You can vary the form of displacement.
- "Fit the chair", the students stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle there are 2 chairs and 2
pupils blindfolded. There are also several shoes on the floor.
Those of blindfolded should fit the chair (put the shoes under the feet), the first player wins
it succeeds.
- "Who is missing?" Means all the students are walking around the classroom with
eyes blindfolded. The teacher picks one and takes it out, quietly, and others
bandages are removed and have to find out who is missing.
- "Waiters" are two teams, each with a spoon and a ball pin-pon
preference. At the signal, the same route
previously marked by the teacher and return to start for handing off to teammate / a. If the ball lands
must start again.
3. Games return to calm.
- "I am the King": All the students have to form a circle, and one of the participants
he was named "King" to start the game. The King should say singing
"I am the king and the law and do everything I do, what you do."
Then the King will make a gesture or a rhythmic pattern (palms, with
fingers, feet, ...) and the others should imitate to perfection.
game continues in this way, inventing new rhythmic patterns.
ends when all participants have been kings.
- "Word taboo": all the students sit down and a / a stands. The teacher says a word
you can not say and then has to describe a person, animal or thing
without saying. You can also do without words, only with gestures, and then
called "Mime."
- "Word Association" sitting in a circle, the teacher begins by saying a word
, and the next has to say something that starts with the letter that ended the previous
(eg tree-lion). You can raise the difficulty to do so with syllables (eg boot-heel
- "Pirate Treasure": all the students in a circle and one in the middle with eyes blindfolded
(the pirate). We leave different objects on the ground around the pirate. The teacher tells
other in silence, which object should be removed without
hears the pirate, if you learn, "wakes up" and change roles.
- Contreras Jordan, RW (1998): "Teaching Physical Education.
constructivist approach. " INDE. Barcelona.
- Enguita Fernández, Mariano (1999): "100 games for the Physical Education class.
Primary Education. " Ed La Ley Buenos Aires.
- www.cesdonbosco.com
Since the school where I work does not have a multipurpose room or gym
rainy days were some of my challenges.
With the acquisition of the XO laptop in an activity thought to make
shared between computer and physical activity. Entering
my group blog can choose the type of activity performed.
Here are the steps to make teachers and students.
INTRODUCTION What do we do? It's raining and we can not leave, we can not take advantage of increased
feature of our area, which makes it different from the rest: that develops outside. Could we develop
EF sessions in the classroom without detracting from any of the
Character? Because the solution at hand is clearly in the gym, multi purpose room
... But the reality is that not all schools have such facilities.
will have to manage to carry out a session of PE in the classroom. And that will mean developing their own content
EF area to achieve the objectives proposed in
our programming, programming that reflect the alternative posed by these
sessions "inside" in case of rain, develop possible schedule for the units or Teaching
Interest centers are being developed at that time.
shown to us, therefore, exciting work of planning, research and implementation
towards the benefit of our students, and that must be reflected in our professional experience
(and why not, too personal).
Given the small size that has a classroom (as opposed to the playground or
a multipurpose room) we have to tailor the characteristics of our
same games, besides, we should not overlook one fact: it may bother the
other classrooms in class, and we must notify and seek the appropriate permission.
not at first seem difficult to develop a classroom session, the complicated
will probably establish the appropriate environment. A number of points that can serve:
2 - Open the windows and curtains run, listen to rain and air to enter.
- Running chairs banks to the walls (if they're not going to be lacking in the games).
- Remove all objects which are likely to trouble the movement of students.
- Make any changes in furniture producing the sensation of
elsewhere than the classroom (provoke changes in the perception that students have the usual place
of classes).
- Of course, having provided accommodations for students with Special Educational Needs
The question is, Finally, in choosing games that day.
responsible planning avoids improvisation and the possible failure of the session "inside."
To do this it is clear that we will focus on teaching units that are planned for winter dates
: we must check what times of the year are more likely to
rain and focus on those UD bet for classroom programming globalized, so we will be
more useful to look at the Centers of Interest to be taken into account
throughout the course, which will facilitate the planning work session "interiors." Our proposal
is based on games and worksheets. The choice of games
follows a series of parameters, slightly different from the "external"
also focus on the movement, interaction, meaningful learning and also an extra component
mental processes and characteristics physical space. This
way, some of the fun activities we propose are:
1. Animated games.
- "Poor Kitty": the students are in a circle. One that makes
kitten is about half and a partner to any meowing. This should tell
stroke and 3 times "poor kitty! "but seriously. If you do not hold your laughter becomes
cat, and if not laughing cat picks up another / a.
- "The witch eats colors": one of the students is the witch and placed in the center of
classroom. Then he says, "the witch eats the color ..." and all others try to touch an object
, clothes ... in that color. While others seek that color, the Witch tries to take
any, to change roles.
- "E" means all the students sit in a circle except one who makes
postman, standing up and in the center. It says "the postman brings a letter for which
have ..." and says something characteristic that can have multiple peers (color,
clothes ...). They have to move out of place, and the postman
try to use it to occupy one.
2. Games main part.
- "Balls out" are two teams, separated by a row of chairs or tables.
rag balls are distributed (acquired, processed) and the signal must be launched to
opposite field, under a table in the middle of the room while there
that take and return us to the signal launch end. You can not scream, because
- "Treasure resounding": each student covers his eyes with the bow. The
teacher places the "treasure" (a ringing phone, radio) in a classroom, and learners should find the sound
. You can vary the form of displacement.
- "Fit the chair", the students stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle there are 2 chairs and 2
pupils blindfolded. There are also several shoes on the floor.
Those of blindfolded should fit the chair (put the shoes under the feet), the first player wins
it succeeds.
- "Who is missing?" Means all the students are walking around the classroom with
eyes blindfolded. The teacher picks one and takes it out, quietly, and others
bandages are removed and have to find out who is missing.
- "Waiters" are two teams, each with a spoon and a ball pin-pon
preference. At the signal, the same route
previously marked by the teacher and return to start for handing off to teammate / a. If the ball lands
must start again.
3. Games return to calm.
- "I am the King": All the students have to form a circle, and one of the participants
he was named "King" to start the game. The King should say singing
"I am the king and the law and do everything I do, what you do."
Then the King will make a gesture or a rhythmic pattern (palms, with
fingers, feet, ...) and the others should imitate to perfection.
game continues in this way, inventing new rhythmic patterns.
ends when all participants have been kings.
- "Word taboo": all the students sit down and a / a stands. The teacher says a word
you can not say and then has to describe a person, animal or thing
without saying. You can also do without words, only with gestures, and then
called "Mime."
- "Word Association" sitting in a circle, the teacher begins by saying a word
, and the next has to say something that starts with the letter that ended the previous
(eg tree-lion). You can raise the difficulty to do so with syllables (eg boot-heel
- "Pirate Treasure": all the students in a circle and one in the middle with eyes blindfolded
(the pirate). We leave different objects on the ground around the pirate. The teacher tells
other in silence, which object should be removed without
hears the pirate, if you learn, "wakes up" and change roles.
- Contreras Jordan, RW (1998): "Teaching Physical Education.
constructivist approach. " INDE. Barcelona.
- Enguita Fernández, Mariano (1999): "100 games for the Physical Education class.
Primary Education. " Ed La Ley Buenos Aires.
- www.cesdonbosco.com
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