L to education in values based on mutual respect role of teachers, pupils and family.
requires the revaluation of the professor, the teacher and the development of a code of actions (rules, proposed action) previously agreed.
Use the interactive dialogue (with implications for all) between teachers, teachers, students, families.
promotes development and internalization of values \u200b\u200b through techniques and activities.
leads to improved school performance, reduce conflict, socializing the individual, assimilate and integrate values, attitudes and standards, facilitating learning instance.
certain values \u200b\u200bare to be replaced by other more consistent with the idea that we live in one world.
important thing in education is the being of each child.
education has to provide training to enable them to shape their own identity . To do this it is necessary to enhance attitudes and values \u200b\u200b to configure and model ideas, feelings and actions of children .
Values \u200b\u200bhelp grow and allow the harmonious development of all the qualities of being human.
learning is necessary because the values \u200b\u200bare with us throughout life.
Learning to know how one is, what they mean themselves feelings, how to make themselves understood and how to understand others. Learning to listen
to be available, if tolerant, to play with others, to work, win and lose to make decisions ...
Early ages are essential for the development of interpersonal attitudes.
is necessary to develop in them a set of skills that do emerge security capabilities, self-esteem and autonomy , allowing fully formed as people.
Four key values \u200b\u200b
Esteem: If you feel wanted and wants to be accepted Moreover,
Tolerance: Respect is essential for c onvivencia.
R esponsibility: perseverance, generosity, honesty.
Cooperation: the common good over individual, job-sharing technique ..
values \u200b\u200bclarification process by which a person is helped to discover and decide what values \u200b\u200bor choose a specific internalized. -Choose
-values \u200b\u200bfreely choose between different options-Choose
deposed to weigh the consequences of each
-appreciate and estimate their values \u200b\u200b
-chambers and publicly affirm
-Act agree with them, repeatedly and Constantelos clarification is the first step to education in values, allows people to become aware of some of the reasons why they act or fail to act in a certain way.
requires the revaluation of the professor, the teacher and the development of a code of actions (rules, proposed action) previously agreed.
Use the interactive dialogue (with implications for all) between teachers, teachers, students, families.
promotes development and internalization of values \u200b\u200b through techniques and activities.
leads to improved school performance, reduce conflict, socializing the individual, assimilate and integrate values, attitudes and standards, facilitating learning instance.
certain values \u200b\u200bare to be replaced by other more consistent with the idea that we live in one world.
important thing in education is the being of each child.
education has to provide training to enable them to shape their own identity . To do this it is necessary to enhance attitudes and values \u200b\u200b to configure and model ideas, feelings and actions of children .
Values \u200b\u200bhelp grow and allow the harmonious development of all the qualities of being human.
learning is necessary because the values \u200b\u200bare with us throughout life.
Learning to know how one is, what they mean themselves feelings, how to make themselves understood and how to understand others. Learning to listen
to be available, if tolerant, to play with others, to work, win and lose to make decisions ...
Early ages are essential for the development of interpersonal attitudes.
is necessary to develop in them a set of skills that do emerge security capabilities, self-esteem and autonomy , allowing fully formed as people.
Four key values \u200b\u200b
Esteem: If you feel wanted and wants to be accepted Moreover,
Tolerance: Respect is essential for c onvivencia.
R esponsibility: perseverance, generosity, honesty.
Cooperation: the common good over individual, job-sharing technique ..
values \u200b\u200bclarification process by which a person is helped to discover and decide what values \u200b\u200bor choose a specific internalized. -Choose
-values \u200b\u200bfreely choose between different options-Choose
deposed to weigh the consequences of each
-appreciate and estimate their values \u200b\u200b
-chambers and publicly affirm
-Act agree with them, repeatedly and Constantelos clarification is the first step to education in values, allows people to become aware of some of the reasons why they act or fail to act in a certain way.
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