Hi I'm very gratified to return to have these meetings
with the readers of the newspaper Pagina Cero.
Before I would revisit the issue to stop for quite some time, why the importance of physical activity?
In our modern life we \u200b\u200blive in times when almost everything that gives us comfort is to avoid increased physical activity as possible. Example of this is, remote control TVs, audio equipment, laptop computers which we are so practical to dispose of them at any time, countless kitchen utencillos electric or battery which "simplify" those tasks, the high demand motorcycles, cars that are increasingly more easily acquire at other times.
We have gone as far to purchase appliances which supposedly miraculous ways to let us get a six pack admirable as we offer on television.
Today we seek to obtain privileged physical taking as models the physical, but difficult to achieve because these as the models that we currently offer are very similar to those of adolescent athletes.
As we all know that building a healthy body without physical work and less of the magnitude that would have us believe that we will be able to obtain new equipment just miraculous.
is why I would like to discuss the true benefits of physical activity to be suitable for everyone or for every need.
This done in a controlled, continuous and appropriate for each individual is beneficial for all ages. Each exercise has its time and intensity is the key to leverage our capabilities and feel better about ourselves. Living
physical activity will get these benefits:
increases the size of the heart chambers and thus the amount of blood with each beat, improving the ability to carry oxygen and nutrients. The heart gets stronger and can push more blood with each beat. The number and size of blood vessels, so blood reaches more sites. Decreases heart rate and the heart can rest. RESPIRATORY
Improves ventilation of the lungs and oxygenate the body more. Respiratory rate decreases while increasing the depth of respiratory movements. Inhaled air travels more lung space. A greater amount of air we can expel after a deep breath, got better "vital capacity." NERVOUS SYSTEM
increases the reaction rate and encourages greater coordination of movement. And the elimination of stress and stress caused by a sedentary lifestyle, concerns, the study of everyday life. LOCOMOTOR
strengthening is appreciated. Liabilities and strengthens the organs, "bones, ligaments, tendons and joints, reducing the chance of injury and rheumatic diseases. Muscles, organs, assets, gain endurance, strength, flexibility and speed of contraction.
The practice of physical education will help maintain and improve your health and feel better about yourself. Flee from sedentary and practiced the sport, or have this important and vital physical activity every day.
Hope this refresh your memory, we are in an upcoming issue, to continue reporting on this page named: Sport and Health.
with the readers of the newspaper Pagina Cero.
Before I would revisit the issue to stop for quite some time, why the importance of physical activity?
In our modern life we \u200b\u200blive in times when almost everything that gives us comfort is to avoid increased physical activity as possible. Example of this is, remote control TVs, audio equipment, laptop computers which we are so practical to dispose of them at any time, countless kitchen utencillos electric or battery which "simplify" those tasks, the high demand motorcycles, cars that are increasingly more easily acquire at other times.
We have gone as far to purchase appliances which supposedly miraculous ways to let us get a six pack admirable as we offer on television.
Today we seek to obtain privileged physical taking as models the physical, but difficult to achieve because these as the models that we currently offer are very similar to those of adolescent athletes.
As we all know that building a healthy body without physical work and less of the magnitude that would have us believe that we will be able to obtain new equipment just miraculous.
is why I would like to discuss the true benefits of physical activity to be suitable for everyone or for every need.
This done in a controlled, continuous and appropriate for each individual is beneficial for all ages. Each exercise has its time and intensity is the key to leverage our capabilities and feel better about ourselves. Living
physical activity will get these benefits:
increases the size of the heart chambers and thus the amount of blood with each beat, improving the ability to carry oxygen and nutrients. The heart gets stronger and can push more blood with each beat. The number and size of blood vessels, so blood reaches more sites. Decreases heart rate and the heart can rest. RESPIRATORY
Improves ventilation of the lungs and oxygenate the body more. Respiratory rate decreases while increasing the depth of respiratory movements. Inhaled air travels more lung space. A greater amount of air we can expel after a deep breath, got better "vital capacity." NERVOUS SYSTEM
increases the reaction rate and encourages greater coordination of movement. And the elimination of stress and stress caused by a sedentary lifestyle, concerns, the study of everyday life. LOCOMOTOR
strengthening is appreciated. Liabilities and strengthens the organs, "bones, ligaments, tendons and joints, reducing the chance of injury and rheumatic diseases. Muscles, organs, assets, gain endurance, strength, flexibility and speed of contraction.
The practice of physical education will help maintain and improve your health and feel better about yourself. Flee from sedentary and practiced the sport, or have this important and vital physical activity every day.
Hope this refresh your memory, we are in an upcoming issue, to continue reporting on this page named: Sport and Health.
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