Sunday, October 10, 2010

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learned over the years too, will pass

A gem for you ... sweet dreams! Mané


creating around me Forever and For Always ... The same
Mane Castro Videla

too, will pass

There was once a king who told the wise men of the court: I'm making
a beautiful ring. I want to keep the ring hidden inside a message that can help me in moments of utter despair, and to help my heirs, and heirs of my heirs, forever. You must be a small message, so it will fit inscribed around.
All who heard were wise, great scholars, could have written great treaty. Thought, looked in his books, but could not find a sentence so small that it contains a powerful message wise. The king had an old servant who was also his father's servant. The king's mother died suddenly and the servant took care of him. The king felt an immense respect for the elderly, so he decided ask. And he said:
I am not a scholar nor a scholar nor an academic, but I know the message. This gave me a great sage who passed through the kingdom for years: the old man wrote in a tiny paper, folded it and gave it to the king. But do not read! - He said - keep it hidden in the ring. Open it only when all else has failed, when they find out the situation -
That moment came quickly. The country was invaded and the king lost his kingdom. His horse was running for his life, and his enemies and persecutors only perseguían.Estaba were numerous. Came to a place where the road ended, there was no exit: front had a precipice and a deep valley, fall for him would be the end. I could not go forward and there was no other way ...
Suddenly, he remembered the ring. He opened it, took the paper and there he found a small tremendously valuable message, simply said: "This too shall pass."
While reading "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" felt that hung over him a great silence. The enemies chasing him should have been lost in the woods, or should have been the wrong way, but the fact is that gradually stopped listening to the trampling of the caballos.Aquellas words had been miraculous. He folded the paper, put it back in the ring, he gathered his armies and recaptured the kingdom. And the day he came back victorious in the capital had a great celebration with music, dance ... And the King had his record on the gold ring, the wise message.
The old man beside her in the car and said:
- The timing is appropriate: see the message again.
- What do you mean, "asked the king. Now I am victorious, people celebrate my return, I'm desperate, I am not in a hopeless situation.
- Listen, "said the old man, this message is not only for desperate situations it is also for situations enjoyable. It is not just for when you're defeated, it is also for when you are victorious. It is not just for when you're last, also for when you are first. The king looked
ring and read the message: "This too shall pass" and again he felt the same peace, the same silence, amid the crowd that celebrated and danced, but pride, ego, had disappeared. The king could finally understand the message. He had lit.
Then the old man said:
- Remember that everything happens. Nothing is permanent and no emotion.
Like day and night, there are moments of joy and moments of sadness. Accept them as part of the duality of nature because they are the very nature of things ...
"This too shall pass"
What's in these simple words that makes them so powerful? At first glance it would seem to serve to comfort us in difficult situations and may also deprive us of the joys of life. "Do not be too happy, because this happiness will not last." That would seem to say in a situation perceived as good.
The story of the ring pointing to the reality of temporality that, once we recognize it, leads to detachment. Do not resist, do not judge and do not stick are the three secrets of true freedom and a life ring iluminada.La registration tells us that enjoy the finer things in life, nor is it a comfort for times of suffering. It has a deeper purpose: to help us become aware of the ephemeral nature of all situations, which is due to the transience of all forms, good or bad.
When we become aware of the transience, our attachment decreased and ceased to some extent identify with them. The detachment does not mean we can not enjoy the good things the world has to offer. In fact helps us to enjoy them even more. Once we acknowledge and accept that all things are transitory and that change is inevitable, we can enjoy the pleasures of the world without fear of loss and without anxiety face the future. When we let go, we can see things from a higher point of view instead of being trapped by the events of life.
We're like an astronaut who sees the planet Earth surrounded by infinite space and recognizes a paradoxical truth: that the earth is precious but insignificant at the same time. The recognition that "This too shall pass" brings detachment, and this in turn opens a new dimension in life: interior space. When we live in detachment, without judging and without resisting, we access to that dimension. When we left completely to be identified with forms, consciousness, what we are, is released from prison in form. This release is the emergence of interior space. It comes as a stillness, a subtle peace deep in our being, even in the presence of something seemingly bad. "This too shall pass." Then, suddenly, there is space around the event.
There is also space around the emotional highs and lows, even around pain. And above all, there is space between thoughts. And from that space emanates a peace that is "not of this world", because this world is peace form and space. Dios.Entonces is peace and honor can enjoy the things of this world without attributing the importance and relevance have not. We participate in the dance of creation and lead an active life without abide by the results and exaggerated demands without imposing the world fill me, make me happy, make me feel safe, tell me who I am. The world can not give these things, and when we strip away those expectations all the suffering created by ourselves.
All this suffering is because we have given an exaggerated value to the form and failure to be aware of the dimension of inner space. When this dimension is manifested in our life we \u200b\u200benjoy things, experiences and pleasures of the senses without getting lost in them without becoming attached to them, that is, without becoming addicted to the world. "This too shall pass" is the phrase that reality shows. Noting the timing of all forms, notes, therefore, to the eternal. Only eternity of us can recognize the temporary nature of the temporal.
When you lose the dimension of space or do not recognize the things of the world acquire the utmost importance, seriousness and weight do not really have. When we see the world from the perspective of the formless, it becomes a threatening place, and ultimately a place of despair. The Old Testament prophet had to feel that way when he wrote, "are tired of talk and can not say more, but the eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the ear to hear ..." The consciousness of the object and the consciousness of space.
The life of most people is crowded with things: material things, things to do, things to think about. It is a life similar to the history of humanity, which Winston Churchill defined by saying, "one damn thing after another." Their minds are crowded with thoughts that follow one after another without stopping. That is the dimension of consciousness of the object, which is the predominant reality of many people and is the cause of so much imbalance. To
that sanity reigns again on our planet, we must balance the consciousness of the object with the consciousness of space. The emergence of consciousness of space is the next stage in the evolution of consciousness humanidad.Tener space means that in addition to being aware of things (which is always reduced to sensory perceptions, emotions and thoughts) there is an underlying alertness. This alert means that not only are aware of things (objects) but also being aware. Is that we perceive as a quiet awakens in the background while things happen in the foreground. It is a dimension that is present in all of us, but that goes unnoticed for most people. Sometimes
pointed out when asked, "Can you feel your own presence?" The awareness of space is not only the liberation of the ego, but also materialism and materiality. It is the spiritual dimension, the only way to print a true significance and meaning to this mundo.La real reason why we bother with a situation, a person or event is not on the person, situation or event, but have lost the perspective that only space we can provide. We were trapped in the consciousness of the object and lose sight of the timeless inner space of consciousness itself. When used as a guide
the phrase "this too shall pass, recovered consciousness in this dimension interior.Otra phrase that points to the inner truth is:
" I am never upset for the reason I believe. " Eckhart Tolle

........... to walking the path
look back you see the path that has
never walked again ..... ......


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