: is a kind of presence of didactic activity, which reflects the educational uses mainly come from the wed, it helps the student to improve their cognitive abilities and who are too attached to it, is a very useful tool for teachers in improving their quality teaching.
: mostly here wed is used, where they undertake various learning activities will be guided by the teacher, here the interaction is also important that the student has to wed, you should know to use is very important and the best thing to remove this tool juice .
: in the webquest are 7 parts are:
- THE INTRODUCTION: Here the teacher must engage the student and sparked an interest in this, pointing out that this is a very useful tool for personal and professional life arouse the interest is the most important and show the benefits this brings.
- TASK: You must be very clear what is expected as the final job this should be didactic, the student will get back to feel the desire and conscience. Also explain as it is more convenient and more pedagogical presentation.
- PROCESS: You must clearly explain to students what kind of task you are performing and under what parameters must be done, that to be clear about the job and things go as expected.
- RESOURCES: You must have prepared the material that is going to work, a list of pages to be used, targeted to students strictly on the activities and not to seek information on cases if seutiliza the search, but it is more exhausting for students.
- EVALUATION: The student must be clear under what parameters will be assessed and this should be motivating for the student.
- THE conclucion: here encourages students to talk about their experiences with the activity and what benefits you brought this to their daily life and work, in a nutshell gives his reflection of the activity.
- TEACHING GUIDE: unpredictable knowing who should read this information so it does not give a specific information, a database developed here should be taken into account that is a very didactic and possibly students this class will ientusiasma of activities that helps them work and social life. EXAMPLES WebQuest
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