this is a contribution for teachers, teachers and students of the University of Tolima.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: solotutoriales com ....
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.solotutoriales.com/directory/details.aspx?id=4195
specific address: http://www .solotutoriales.com/members/files/54HIDROSTATICA.pdf
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: this tutorial tells you everything related to hydrostatic, sacandote of all present doubts towards this.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: solotutoriales
com .... BASE ADDRESS: http://www.solotutoriales.com/directory/?fid=196
specific address: http://www.fisicanet.com.ar/fisica/cinematica/ap01_cinematica.php LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: secondary and university
GRADE: eleven to higher education.
DESCRIPTION: Point of kinematics : speed, space and acceleration. Uniform linear motion. Uniformly accelerated motion. Uniformly retarded motion. Freefall. Vertical shot. Parabolic shot. Oblículo shot. Circular motion in the plane: horizontal vertical, physical pendulum
SUBJECT: Physical
softonic BASE: http://www.softonic.com/s/simulador-fisica/gratis
ADDRESS SPECIFICATIONS: http://de-blob.softonic.com/descargar # pathbar
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: first eleven top DUCATION .
DESCRIPTION: is a game that offers you a great sense of realism in the behavior of each vehicle you drive.
SUBJECT: Physical
softonic BASE: http://www.softonic.com/s/simulador-fisica/gratis
specific address: http : / / sourceforge.net / project / downloading.php? groupname = FooBillard & filename = FooBillard-3.0-win32-1-bin.zip & use_mirror = kent
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven top.
DESCRIPTION: FooBillard is a game of pool that boasts realistic physics simulating the trajectories and collisions of billiard balls.
SUBJECT: Physical
uptodowm BASE: http://www.uptodown.com/mac/buscar/simuladores-gratis-de-fisica-optica-geometrica/
specific address: http://phun.uptodown.com/mac/descargar/
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: secondary and university
GRADE: eleven to higher education.
DESCRIPTION: Phun also includes elements to build complex machines, such as springs, chains and engines. The motors can be operated automatically or by using the arrow keys. All objects have their own physical properties that can be modified from the context menu (density, friction, elasticity).
SUBJECT: Physical
uptodowm BASE: http://www.uptodown.com/mac/buscar/simuladores-gratis-de-fisica-optica-geometrica/
specific address: http://phy sics-101-se.uptodown.com/mac/descargar /
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: is a tool that students and teachers of this subject can better understand the statements of physics, as reviewed 150 formulas from different areas of expertise: energy, work, dynamics, electricity, fluids, optics, etc. .
SUBJECT: Physical
appletsjavadefisica BASE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/
specific address: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/acceleration_s.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: This Java applet shows a car moving with constant acceleration. which takes the constant acceleration, speed, position inicial.etc.
SUBJECT: Physical
appletsjavadefisica BASE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/
specific address: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/equilibrium_s.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: secondary and university
GRADE: eleven to higher education.
DESCRIPTION: Simulation of a simple experiment on the balance of three forces: A three weights are suspended from ropes attached. Two of the strings pass over frictionless pulleys. The three forces acting on the node (colored arrows) are in equilibrium.
SUBJECT: Physical
appletsjavadefisica BASE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/
specific address: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/resultant_s.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: here see as a vector is formed and what is the result of the sum of these
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: appletsjavadefisica
BASE ADDRESS: http://www .walter-fendt.de/ph14s /
specific address: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/collision_s.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university

GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: This Java application is the extreme case of a collision process illustrated by two cars: In an elastic collision is satisfied that the sum of the kinetic energies of the involved bodies is constant. However, after a completely inelastic collision, both bodies have the same velocity, the sum of its kinetic energy is lower than the first because some of this has been transformed into internal energy (heat).
SUBJECT: Physical
appletsjavadefisica BASE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/
specific address: http://www.walter -fendt.de/ph14s/circmotion_s.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: secondary and university
GRADE: eleven to higher education.
DESCRIPTION: This Java applet that simulates the circular movement and shows how the position, velocity, acceleration and applied force varies with time. The "Reset" button brings rotating particle to its initial position. You can start, stop or continue the simulation with the other button. If you choose the option "Slow motion", the movement will be ten times slower. You can change the radius, the length and mass in the corresponding entry fields. Radio buttons (Position, Speed, Speed \u200b\u200band Power) give you the ability to select one of four physical quantities.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: -free programs net
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.programas-gratis.net/b/simuladores-educativos-fisica/11
SPECIFIC ADDRESS: http://www.gameswelt.de/downloads/popup/kochmedia/0-/gravity/gravity_demo_pc.exe
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE : DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: Gravity is an amazing puzzle game. It has over a hundred levels, designed to eat the coconut to solve them. All of them consist of puzzles in some way involved physics, gravity, chain reactions and other phenomena related to this matter.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: Free-net programs
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.eduteka.org/directorio/index.php?cat=282&t=sub_pages
specific address: http://www.eduteka. org / directory / index.php? t = & cat = 288 sub_pages
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: this is a physical module that talks on missiles
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: -free programs net
BASE ADDRESS: Http://www.softonic.com/s/simulador-fisica-descarga-gratis
specific address: http://model-chemlab.softonic.com/descargar # pathbar LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: elementary and secondary
GRADE: first eleven.
DESCRIPTION: is a complete chemistry lab simulator that lets you perform various experiments from the comfort of your home and away from the dangers of driving foreign substances.
SUBJECT: Physical
softonic BASE: http://www.softonic.com/s/simulador-fisica-descarga-gratis
specific address: http://model-chemlab.softonic.com/descargar # pathbar LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: elementary and secondary
GRADE: first eleven.
DESCRIPTION: is a complete chemistry lab simulator that lets you perform various experiments from the comfort of your home and away from the dangers of driving foreign substances.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: softonic
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.softonic.com/windows/educativos-gratis
specific address: http://phun.softonic.com/descargar # pathbar
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: elementary and secondary
GRADE: first eleven.
DESCRIPTION: Phun is the name of this experiment, educational game with everything you need to have a great time playing with such forces as gravity, friction or pressure and material properties such as density, elasticity , viscosity and inertia.
SUBJECT: Physical
Forums BASE: http://www.uptodown.com/buscar/fisica/
specific address: http://geork-fisica-cinematica-2d.uptodown.com/descargar/
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and higher education
GRADE: first eleven higher education.
DESCRIPTION: GeorK Physics - Kinematic 2D is a Windows application that reviews the theory and practice of this branch of mechanics, in particular, is responsible for studying the movement that has its history in a plane.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: so it t utoriales
BA ADDRESS IS: http://www.solotutoriales.com/directory/details.aspx?id=2843
ADDRESS ESPE C IFIC: http: / / cientec.or.cr / science / experiments / fisica.html # 47 LICENCIAMENTO: ac

LEVEL: primary, secondary and higher education
GRADE: first eleven and education superior.
DESCRIPTION: The experiments included in this section allow you to explore the physical properties of matter and its environment. We explore concepts such as adhesion, pressure, weight, movement, balance, energy and more.
SUBJECT: Physical
emagister.com BASE: h ttp: / / www.emagister.com/tutorial/tutoriales-fisica-tematica-474.htm
specific address: http://www.emagister.com/tutorial/frame.cfm?id_centro=35596070040551554868665657484551&id_curso=32783070040554526752555 151684552 & id_user = 70609500905200927565157705452506 & id_segmento = 4 & id_categ = 474 & id_busqueda = 639708 & url_frame = http://www.ilustrados.com/publicaciones/EpZlyZkVkpDfeTQjLz.php
LICENCIAMENTO: registration
LEVEL: primary, secondary and higher education
GRADE: first eleven higher education.
DESCRIPTION: Physics for being an inherently experimental means for treatment, the acquisition of skills in the construction of graphs and interpretation of results.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: wed pages devoted to teaching
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.df.uba.ar/users/sgil/
specific address: http://www.df.uba.ar/users/sgil/labo3_uba/index.htm
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: primary, secondary and higher education
GRADE: first eleven higher education.
DESCRIPTION: develop a model on a field shield magn'etico
passing through conductive materials and different thicknesses caracter'ısticas. Measurements are obtained on such fields atenuaci'on
funci'on frequency in a range of up to 6 kHz, caracteriz'andose behavior
currents induced in the conductor.
educared BASE: __ http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curricular.jsp?idapr=12_61_esp_1
specific address: http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curriculardetalle.jsp?idapr=12_61_esp_1__&idArticulo=767293996
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: Secondary
GRADE: quarter
degree DESCRIPTION: This interactive application provides virtual labs and self-assessment activities about Newtonian dynamics.
SUBJECT: Physical
educared BASE: http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curricular.jsp?idapr=12_61_esp_1
__ specific address: http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curriculardetalle.jsp?idapr=12_61_esp_1__&idArticulo=767
free access LEVEL: school
GRADE: tenth and eleven
DESCRIPTION: A teaching unit performed interactively with Constuctor on Masses and Springs for pupils of 1 Bachelor of Science and Technology for the study of Hooke's Law.
SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: physics and chemistry classroom
BASE ADDRESS: http://fisica-quimica.blogspot.com/2006/05/software-de-fsica-programas . html
specific address: http://www.xtec.net/ ~ OPLAN /
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: elementary and secondary
GRADE: first eleven.
DESCRIPTION: are different simulators give you more flexibility on the physical
SUBJECT: Physical
educared BASE: http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curricular. jsp? idapr = 12_61_esp_1__
specific address: http://www.educared.net/educared/visualizacion/jsp/_software_educativo/curriculardetalle.jsp?idapr=12_61_esp_1__&idArticulo=2146
LICENCIAMENTO: free access
LEVEL: Bachelor
GRADE: tenth and eleven
DESCRIPTION: Sections calculates the geometric properties (Area, inertia, centroids, etc..) Of any polygon in XY plane.
SUBJECT: Physical
educarchile BASE: http://www.educarchile.cl
specific address: http://www.educarchile.cl/Portal .Base / Web / verContenido.aspx? ID = 135757
LICENCIAMENTO: registration
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: iene this software tool that allows students 1st and 2 degree graph and display functions. As well as various educational strategies for different students of various levels of education, so that their teaching is larger asia physics.

SUBJECT: Physical
SITE NAME: physics aplesjava
BASE ADDRESS: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/
SPECIFIC ADDRESS: http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14s/index.html
LEVEL: primary, secondary and university
GRADE: DUCATION first eleven and above.
DESCRIPTION: Here are the aples physics such as mechanics, OCIL and waves, electrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, larelatividad theory, atomic physics, nuclear physics,