Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Shower At School For Males




Webquest model was developed by Bernie Dodge in 1995 who defined it as a research-oriented activity where all or most of the information used comes from resources on the Web.
A WebQuest is built around an attractive task which causes higher thought processes. It's about doing something with the information. The thought can be creative and critical and involve problem solving, statement trials, analysis or synthesis. The task must be something more than simply answer questions or play what's on the screen. Ideally, it should correspond to something that in normal life do adults outside of school. ELEMENTS OF A

INTRODUCTION: Establishes the framework and provides some background information
TASK: The end result of the activity students will conduct
PROCESS: Description of the steps to follow to carry out the task . Includes resources and scaffolding (scaffolding)
RESOURCES: A selection of links to sites of interest to find relevant information.
This feature is part of section of the process.
EVALUATION: Explain how the performance will be evaluated on the task
CONCLUSION: Remember what has been learned and encouraged to continue learning

Contributions webquest pedagogical work:

• Supports multimedia work
• provides access to various information sources and various
• develops research skills, search, selection, evaluation, prioritization, information about previously established objectives
• a hypertext reading skills and comprehension. SUMMARY

Webquest The word means inquiry and research through the Web. In particular WebQuest is an extremely simple model of learning and rich to promote the educational use of the Internet, based on cooperative learning and research process to learn. It's about doing something with the information. In short we can say that it is ending exploration led to the creation of a website, and this is published the result of good research by the student, in this he shows all the material worked, which is taken directly from internet, webquest is a very good methodology that the teacher can use to encourage students to investigate, here learns to create, to make decisions and be more creative, in a didactic and easy to use, knowledge becomes large fruit and are able to put them to work in everyday life.


webquest are developed by teachers and these have a significant educational purpose, as it usually always promoted research to find new ideas, to propose and demonstrate teamwork capabilities of each. The teacher always expect the best from his students and in this case the student expected to be a builder of ideas, examine, probe and become part of the activity.


For the student the webquest is a pedagogical model that encourages educational research, policy analysis and formulation of new ideas that could become useful for anyone in the world. It is a teaching tool and easy to handle and that all information is taken from the web is a fast and effective way to learn, you should only answer the question raised by the teacher but an analytical and not as cut and paste usually works . EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

Webquests arouse interest because they organize and direct the work of students and teachers. Expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bengaging higher order thinking, making good use of resources limited computing, seems to resonate with many educators.
As we can see students are losing the enthusiasm of writing texts in their own words and leave it all to copy and paste, teachers should encourage students to this work because it is very necessary that students learn to formulate ideas, research into something serious and that she can take good advantage, the analysis is important in the life of a person and know it's the best way is a plus.


Quotes And Sayings For Picnik

final work


Teachers who are working according to the Chilean education reform, among other things, seek to provide their students with active learning experiences, facilitating student participation in projects that promote job collaborative, allowing them to investigate the real world, solving problems, and develop strategies to facilitate better preparation and understanding the world around them outside of school.

A Taxonomy of educational uses of the Internet is:

lot Internet as a service / information resource: Access to educational sites for scientific
material refers to an open global encyclopedia.
lot Internet as a resource Methodological Notes subject to local or distributed access online learning material
online classroom, a tool for collaborative work and support work
collaborative project Web pages, a tool to implement global curriculum ,
tool for project work. Tool to support other projects, developing projects
own website focusing on local and distributed, synchronous and asynchronous collaborative and cooperative
, mono and multi disciplinary.
lot Internet as pedagogical tool: Builder tools, educational software (
interactive games, applets, etc.) tools to develop skills and / or specific curriculum areas.

To use Internet resources, must be premised on the fostering of a
users critical of current information. The volume and reliably different producers
information found on the Internet foregrounds the issue of
user's ability to distinguish relevant and truthful information that is not. Only construction
selection criteria, developing higher order skills and the acquisition values, allow users to select information
. Undoubtedly, the lack of knowledge about a topic,
complicates the search for new information and transform it into a maze of difficult exit.
Internet use can bring great benefits to the educational system, although it is difficult to predict its actual impact. In a way, the process of teaching and learning are freed from the exclusive area of \u200b\u200bthe classroom, as students have the opportunity to access educational resources from anywhere and at any time. This quality provides new opportunities for those living in rural or urban areas, away from the educational centers. educational resources can be updated constantly and instantly, and the creation of such materials is not necessarily restricted to a single author.

the teacher should be a great motivator for students, must show the great advantages of the investigation by this means and how fun it is, show that not only is a means of communication, but also search and
information acquisition
the student must also take account of the Internet as a communication tool where you meet many people, you can also come to recognize many amazing things 've never experienced before, are more educational games and hone your knowledge.


is important for students to create discussion groups where they can answer questions and responses interact, chat, besides being a tool of comunicacuion and meet people from around the world, make friends too is a pedagogical tool that allows avoidance of doubt, an investigation will not be very clear, someone else anywhere in the world can help clear your question and solve it.

teachers can make the chat as a tool discucion, only to propose a question, you can put your students to discuss this and the other people who are interested, also they can.

for students is an educational tool and easy to handle, with one formulation of a question, you answer questions and see what others think. a way of communication and intellectual interaction with other people in the world.

page you can find a tutorial here on

MAIL educational purposes

mail has been a widely used tool in the community, but like many teachers and students use it as a pedagogical tool that has facilitated the work activities of each of them is a tool that lets you send and RESIBIR large messages with attachments, you can send to all over the world regardless of distance and recovery.

for the teacher is important that the EU and that this may resivir documents of their students, and Fixed if necessary, any activity trealizar or change in the schedule can communicate through e-